Termine und Veranstaltungen


  • 02.08.2024: Defensio of Maximilian Franz Ebner, BSc
    Maximilian Franz Ebner will present his thesis „CELL: A Distributed and Cost-Efficient Low-Latency Key-Value Store for the Edge-Cloud Continuum“ in room 3W04 starting at 10:00. You are welcome to join!
  • 25.08.-01.09.2024: ISR 2024 – 14th International School on Rewriting
    The 14th International School on Rewriting takes place at the University Center Obergurgl, Austria. The school is aimed at master and PhD students, researchers and practitioners interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications.
  • 02.-06.09.2024: Programmierkurs für Schüler*innen der Oberstufe
    Das Institut für Informatik der Universität Innsbruck veranstaltet in der letzten Sommerferienwoche zwischen 2. und 6. September 2024 einen Programmierkurs für Schüler*innen der Oberstufe, die schon immer in die faszinierend-spannende Welt des Programmierens eintauchen wollten.
  • 23.-25.09.2024: Advances in Financial Technologies - AFT 2024
    Prof. Böhme co-organizes the 6th international conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT’24) which is a premier venue for presenting the latest developments in technologies related to novel financial infrastructure such as cryptocurrencies and their applications, blockchains, and exchanges. It will take place in Vienna.
  • 27.09.2024: Aktionstag Junge Uni 2024
    Am 27. September findet der 17 Aktionstag der "Jungen Uni" statt. Einen Tag lang sollen die Schüler*innen an Stationen verschiedenster Wissenschaftsdisziplinen in die Welt der Wissenschaft und Forschung eintauchen können – beispielsweise in Form eines interaktiven Programms oder eines Experiments, einer allgemein verständlichen Präsentation oder eines (Kurz )Workshops bzw. Kurzvortrages. (The 17th "Aktionstag Junge Uni" will take place on September 27. For one day, pupils will be able to immerse themselves in the world of science and research at stations in various scientific disciplines - for example in the form of an interactive program or an experiment, a presentation or a (short) workshop or short lecture.)
  • 18.10.2024: Workshop at ACM Recommender Systems 2024
    This workshop serves as a platform for introspection, examining the evolution of Recommender Systems from its origins in CHI to its current state heavily influenced by and focusing on machine learning. It will take place in Bari.
  • 18.10.2024: MIP Alumni Homecoming Day
    The Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics invites all graduates and employees of the faculty to the 2nd MIP Alumni Homecoming Day 2024. Please register online.
  • 14.11.2024: inday students 2024
    The Department of Computer Science organizes with the inday students every year since 2014 a day of information and networking between students and scientists.
  • 03.12.2024: 1st International Workshop on Models for Simulation (M4S) 2024
    This workshop will take place at the Stockholm University, Sweden, and is co-located with PoEM 2024. It targets - among others - the following objective: Elicit the current state and readiness of system and software models for use in digital twin-based simulation.
  • 19.02.2025: Tag der MIP 2025
    Gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Mathematik und dem Forschungsschwerpunkt Physik organisiert das Institut für Informatik einen Tag der MIP für Schüler:innen der Sekundarstufe II.











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