Current Research Projects


Andrea Brait

The CSCE Follow-up Meeting in Vienna (1986-1989). Struggling for Human Rights and European Security at the End of the Cold War, sponsored by Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), D-A-CH Lead Agency-Projekt 


Eva Pfanzelter 

ReMIGRA: Return Migration as an Interdisciplinary Research Area Using the Example of the South Tyrolean "Return Option" gefördert von der Autonomen Provinz Bozen-Südtirol/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Freien Universität Bozen

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"NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for the Historical Newspapers" sponsored by FFG Program Horizon 2020



Peter Pirker 

"Deserteure der Wehrmacht. Verweigerungsformen, Verfolgung, Solidarität, Vergangenheitspolitik in Tirol" sponsored as part of the funding priority "Erinnerungskultur 2019-2023" of the Country of Tyrol, co-financed by the City of Innsbruck
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"Deserteure der Wehrmacht. Verweigerungsformen, Verfolgung, Solidarität, Vergangenheitspolitik in Vorarlberg" sponsored by the Country of Vorarlberg 


Dirk Rupnow


in collaboration with the Verein Wissenschaftsbüro Innsbruck (Ina Friedmann) 

Studie zu Martinsbühel. Fremdunterbringung in konfessionellen Heimen in Tirol nach 1945

sponsored by the Country of Tirol and the Diocese of Innsbruck

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Projects, grants and third-party funding


since 2010


Completed Research Projects

of the members of the Department of Contemporary History, more …

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