Research information
The core tasks of the Office of Research Information and Intellectual Capital Report are the management of the Research Information Database, the quality assurance of the data recorded in the Research Information Database, the preparation of the annual intellectual capital report, university rankings and the preparation and provision of data for various stakeholder groups.
Various reports and key figures are compiled from the data of the Research Information Database, which are required for evaluations (persons, faculties / institutes, specialisation system, doctoral programmes), for target agreements between the Rectorate and faculties, for the performance agreement and the development planning of the University of Innsbruck. Some faculties also use the Research Information Database data for internal management, e.g. for the performance-oriented allocation of funds.
In addition, we are also happy to advise you on various issues relating to the publication process (quality of publication media, publication strategies, peer review procedures, publication metrics) and help you with the creation of Research Information Database extracts.

Facts and figures
All information in the form of facts and figures about the University of Innsbruck can be found in the brochure "At a glance".
Enquiries & advice
Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Research Information and Intellectual Capital Report
Dr. Doris Mangott, MSc
Barbara Härting, Mag.
Silvia Knab, PhD
Stephan Galos, PhD
Stefanie Elisabeth Riedling, BA MBA
+43 512 507 20104, 20105, 20106, 20107, 20109
Main University Building
Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck