Grants and prizes for early career researchers (PhD level)

Current tenders

Doc­toral schol­ar­ship form the Univer­sity of Inns­bruck

For the promotion of young scientists the university supports dissertations with a scholarship

Best Stu­dent Paper Award

To promote outstanding scientific articles already published or accepted for publication in a recognised scientific journal.

Early Stage Fund­ing

To carry out a small, independent research project at the beginning of an academic career.

inno­va­tion fund dig­i­ti­za­tion

From 10.01.2025, project applications can be submitted that support digitalisation in teaching.

Cli­mate and envi­ron­a­men­tal pro­tec­tion, species con­ser­va­tion, sus­tain­abil­ity and bio­di­ver­sity

The Förderkreis 1669 supports projects by young researchers at the University of Innsbruck that deal with the topics of climate, environmental and species protection, ecological sustainability and biodiversity.


Für eine herausragende Dissertationen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie

1669 Pro­to­type devel­op­ment

Start-up financing for the development and further development of prototypes.

Award for Dig­i­tal­iza­tion Research

The award recognises outstanding academic theses by early-carreer researchers from all disciplines at the University of Innsbruck.

Gen­eral print­ing cost sub­sidy

General printing cost subsidy for anthologies, monographs, conference proceedings, etc.

Event pro­mo­tion

Promotion of scientific events at the University of Innsbruck.

Open Access Publi­ca­tion Fund

Co-financing of fees for publication in open access journals.

FWF Open-Access Pro­gramme (OAP)

Funding for Open Access publications resulting from FWF projects.

No current tenders at the moment

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