Grants and prizes for early career researchers (PostDoc level)
Current tenders
Für eine herausragende Dissertationen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie
Mountain agriculture
Funding of individual projects with an agricultural focus with up to 5,000 euros
1669 Prototype development
Start-up financing for the development and further development of prototypes.
Award for Digitalization Research
The award recognises outstanding academic theses by early-carreer researchers from all disciplines at the University of Innsbruck.
General printing cost subsidy
General printing cost subsidy for anthologies, monographs, conference proceedings, etc.
Event promotion
Promotion of scientific events at the University of Innsbruck.
Open Access Publication Fund
Co-financing of fees for publication in open access journals.
Bridging finance
Bridging funding for post-docs in special exceptional cases.
FWF Open-Access Programme (OAP)
Funding for Open Access publications resulting from FWF projects.
No current tenders at the moment
Award of Excellence
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research awards this prize annually for outstanding dissertations.
Call for research infrastructure funding
Für Neuinvestitionen und Erneuerungen (Reparaturen) von veralteter Forschungsinfrastruktur.
Climate and environamental protection, species conservation, sustainability and biodiversity
The Förderkreis 1669 supports projects by young researchers at the University of Innsbruck that deal with the topics of climate, environmental and species protection, ecological sustainability and biodiversity.
Early Stage Funding
To carry out a small, independent research project at the beginning of an academic career.
Forschungspreis der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
Für Diplomarbeiten/ Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen zu bestimmten Themen, die an der Universität Innsbruck, am Management Center Innsbruck oder an der Fachhochschule Kufstein in vorgegebenen Bereichen mit der Note „sehr gut” approbiert wurden.
Hypo Tirol Bank Dissertationspreis
Latest and outstanding dissertations are awarded
Literaturpreis der Universität Innsbruck
Für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler aus Tirol, Südtirol und Vorarlberg.
Mentoring Programme
for young female scientists at the University of Innsbruck
Preis der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der Universität Innsbruck
For scientific work at the University of Innsbruck.
Printing grants for young researchers
For the publication of excellent dissertations.
Printing grants for young researchers at the University of Innsbruck funded by the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation
For the publication of excellent dissertations.
Prize of the Principality of Liechtenstein
For outstanding scientific work by employees with a doctorate at the University of Innsbruck
Research Prizes of the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation at the University of Innsbruck
o honour outstanding, latest scientific achievements at the University of Innsbruck.
innovation fund digitization
From 10.01.2025, project applications can be submitted that support digitalisation in teaching.