Grants and prizes for early career researchers (PostDoc level)

Current tenders

Forschungspreis der Wirtschaft­skam­mer Tirol

Für Diplomarbeiten/ Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen zu bestimmten Themen, die an der Universität Innsbruck, am Management Center Innsbruck oder an der Fachhochschule Kufstein in vorgegebenen Bereichen mit der Note „sehr gut” approbiert wurden.

Award of Excel­lence

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research awards this prize annually for outstanding dissertations.

Gen­eral print­ing cost sub­sidy

General printing cost subsidy for anthologies, monographs, conference proceedings, etc.

Event pro­mo­tion

Promotion of scientific events at the University of Innsbruck.

Open Access Publi­ca­tion Fund

Co-financing of fees for publication in open access journals.

Bridg­ing finance

Bridging funding for post-docs in special exceptional cases.

FWF Open-Access Pro­gramme (OAP)

Funding for Open Access publications resulting from FWF projects.

No current tenders at the moment

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