Master Thesis Computer Science

In the Master’s Programme 2021W a Master’s Thesis amounting to 25 ECTS must be written. The Master’s Thesis is a scientific piece of work that proves the ability to work on a scientific topic independently and in a justifiable way in terms of content and methodology.

If a specialisation (in-depth study) is selected, the Master’s Thesis must be allocable to the topical field of the specialisation.

Curriculum Master's Programme Computer Science 2021W


  • The supervisor needs to be selected from this list (Examination Board). If you would like a different supervisor, please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aart Middeldorp, Associate Dean of Studies. Inform yourself thoroughly and conduct talks with all research groups, before deciding on the topic of your Master Thesis.

  • Compulsory Module - Preparation of the Master's Thesis (2,5 ECTS): Agreement on the topic, scope and form of the Master's Thesis on the basis of a brief description of the content (synopsis) as well as agreement on the work processes and the course of study; planning a corresponding time frame for the implementation of the Master's Thesis.
    Learning Outcome: Having successfully passed this module, the students are able to write a brief description of the content of the planned Master’s Thesis (synopsis) and to outline a schedule.

  • New Procedure for submitting a Master's Theses to the Examination Office Technik:

Information from the Examination Office


Possible topics for a Master Thesis can be found on the respective website of the research groups:

Pay attention to the following points:

For completion of the Master Thesis approximately half a year (full time) has to be taken into account.

The Master Thesis has to be written in English.

In case the supervisor needs to be changed, two forms have to be completed:

  1. ‘‘Change of the Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis’ (available at the Examination Office Technik)
  2. New registration ‘Bekanntgabe des Themas und der Betreuung der Masterarbeit’

Please note, that the person grading your Master Thesis (= supervisor) has two months upon submission of the Master Thesis to grade it. (see ‘New Procedure for Submitting Master's Theses‘).

Information about the Defence of the Master Thesis can be found on a separate website.

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