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Teaching - Tobias Fritz
Completed theses:
- Emre Durukan (2023, BEd mathematics): Gödels Unvollständigkeitssätze
- Ben Mertens (2023, BSc mathematics): Die Hadamard-Matrizen
- Victor Bloch (2022, BSc mathematics): The Vietoris Monad in Categorical Probability
- Andreas Klingler (2022, MSc mathematics): The Causal Compatibility Problem in Categorical Probability
- Wendong Liang (2021, research internship): Free CD Categories
- Lukas Willmann (2021, BSc physics): Über den Satz von Stone-von Neumann
Completed course projects:
- Hubert Bottesch: Describing Self-Similarity using Category Theory
- Markus Dannemüller: Monoidal Categories in Physics, Topology, and Logic
- Mirte van der Eyden: Enriched categories
- Georg Fischer and Hannah Gschwentner: Double Pushout Rewriting in Chemistry
- Andreas Klingler: Probability Monads
- Christina Kohl and Christina Schwaiger: Monads in Computer Science
- Andreas Mair and Martin Fuchs: Working with a computer proof assistant
- Tobias Reinhart and Sebastian Stengele: Lawvere's Theorem
- Winter 2023/24: Algebra 1
- Summer 2023: Higher Algebra and DIscrete Mathematics
- Aspects of Noncommutative Geometry
- Winter 2022/23: Lie groups and Lie algebras
- Geschichte und Philosophie der Mathematik
- Summer 2022: Higher Algebra and DIscrete Mathematics
- Winter 2021/22: Category Theory
- Summer 2021: Algebra 2
- Winter 2020/21: Algebra 1