General Information
At SpielRäume, children of students and employees of the University of Innsbruck from 6 months to 10 years can be looked after on an hourly basis.
This childcare option at the University of Innsbruck offers a flexible solution during the academic year as a supplement to other childcare solutions such as crèche, kindergarten or school. SpielRäume is therefore an option for those university members who have basically solved the childcare issue, but need (additional) childcare for a few hours a week.
Flexible childcare means: we also try to help in the event of sudden childcare bottlenecks, but on the condition that the child is well during their stay in the SpielRäumen.
In addition, only a certain number of places are available. Enrolment does not guarantee a place at the desired time. We endeavour to find solutions where possible.
Hourly childcare can also make it easier to return to work.
If, for example
* your childminder cancels,
* there are short-term childcare shortages,
* kindergarten or school are closed or
* childcare is needed while you are attending lectures or seminars,
your child can be looked after flexibly by educational staff directly at the Innrain university campus.
Children from 6 months to 3 years:
We are not a crèche/Kinderkrippe, but see ourselves as a supplement to educational institutions. This means that we want to support parents with a model that is as flexible as possible. However, we must and want to orientate ourselves first and foremost towards the well-being of the children and age-appropriate care. Children from 6 months to 3 years have a great need for security and stability.
They need a familiarisation period (usually a few weeks) in order to be cared for externally. Parents and children are individually accompanied and supported by our staff.
For young children, the staffing ratio must also be adjusted in order to guarantee adequate care. We therefore ask for your understanding that only a limited number of young children and babies can be acclimatised per semester. Settling-in periods for young children are possible at the beginning of the semester and are based on available capacity.
What happens after settling in?
Once the children have settled in, parents can book lessons independently.
Please bear the following in mind: Young children have a different sense of direction and wean quickly, which is why we recommend that parents bring their children to the playrooms at least once a week. In this way, the children remain familiar with the playrooms, the farewells and parents have a flexible solution for childcare shortages etc.
Children from 3 - 10 years:
In order to look after children from 3 to 10 years of age in the SpielRäume, an information meeting is required in advance to record the data and discuss the conditions. This can be arranged with the
management of the SpielRäume during the year or at the beginning of the semester at the information evening or open day. Parents should remain present during the first hour of childcare in the SpielRäume. We recommend that parents do not make any plans for two subsequent appointments and remain in the playrooms/nearby to ensure a relaxed transition for the children. Our caregivers are experienced and are able to judge when it works well to say goodbye and will discuss this with the parents individually. If the farewell works well, the children are activated in the online calendar and parents can also book childcare hours spontaneously (until 12:00 noon the day before) and thus have a flexible solution for childcare bottlenecks, etc.
Target Group
Children of students and employees of the University of Innsbruck from an age of 6 months up to 10 years of life can use SpielRäume.
Since availability is limited, your child can stay at SpielRäume for a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Childcare Professionals and Group Structure
Trained kindergarten teachers, early education experts and pedagogically qualified staff care for the children.
Group size is determined by the age of the children and available staff resources. (max. 7 - 8 children).
Pedagogic Approach
The staff of the SpielRäume would like to create a prepared environment for the children during the care time, in which they are encouraged to discover and do things independently.
Special care is taken to respond to the individual needs of the children and to take into account the stage of development of each individual. With specific offers, the team of the SpielRäume also wants to provide stimuli that promote children's creativity in particular.
The principles of our work in the PlayRooms are:
to be open, attentive and respectful towards each child
to give the children plenty of space to play freely
and to support the children's creativity.
The children can always eat the (healthy) snacks they have brought along. Our childcare professionals will warm up meals brought along and offer unsweetened fruit tea or water. We would like to ask that your child brings a snack box or bag labelled with his/her name. Please do not let the child bring along sweets. If your child suffers from a food allergy or food intolerance, please let us know in advance.