Babysitter Exchange

The online babysitter exchange is a service for all employees and students of the University of Innsbruck.

This service is meant to give parents the possibility to find childcare in their homes in a fast and straightforward manner.

The online babysitter exchange is merely a platform for parents/legal guardians to contact registered babysitters in an unbureaucratic way. Family Services administers and maintains the online babysitter exchange. Personal contacts, specific details (also costs) and contractual relationships are arranged independently between parents/legal guardians and babysitters.

The online babysitter exchange lists only certified babysitters after a registration interview with a staff member of Family Services. The online babysitter exchange can be used by all university members with children that have a valid University of Innsbruck user ID. With their C-code ID, employees of the University can find a list of the babysitters directly on the intranet. Students can pick up the list at Family Services after advance notification by phone.

For questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact us.

List of Babysitters

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