Services at the University
Family Services at the University of Innsbruck offers individual consulting for employees and students who care for children or relatives.
Family Services provides information about
- Individually suitable childcare and educational offers in Innsbruck and its surrounding areas (child minders, nurseries, kindergartens, after-school care centers, schools etc.)
- family benefits in Austria
- possibilities of parental leave and re-entering the working world
- University of Innsbruck offers on balancing studies or careers with family life
The team in the Personnel Department will be able to consult you on the legal framework, e.g. notification of pregnancy, application for the "father's month" ["Papamonat"], application for (part-time) parental leave, possibilities of carer’s leave, etc.
During our office hours, we are available by telephone or e-mail (Contact). For a personal appointment, please contact us in advance!