Team up with the Marketing Team

visionary As researchers we learn a lot from our partners in business. For our joint interest in excellent marketing, we often require information from your operational everyday life, and you occasionally require insight into research which we possess. This has been the starting point for many of our partnerships. In order to mutually support each other through lively exchanges, we have developed different types of partnership models. Find out more about our joint research projects, our network, and the possibility of endowed professorships below.

Joint Research Projects

There are generally two ways to a beneficial joint research project.

  • Contact us directly to setup a partnership concerning a specific issue.
  • We contact you with questions which are mutually important.


Marketing Network

Our network experts currently consists of about 20 distinguished managers, many of which are Marketing Alumni. We meet regularly in comfortable surroundings to discuss emerging themes in marketing and business leadership. Participation is only possible upon invitation of a member or Prof. Mühlhbacher.


Sponsored Chair: Get Your Own Professor

The highest (and most cost-efficient) form of cooperation is through an endowed professorship. The donor commits to adopting the costs of a professor, two research assistants, and a secretary, for at least three years. The professorship bears the donor’s name and the assistants deal primarily with topics that are relevant to the donor’s business. Due to attractive research topics, endowed professorships have been used for a long time and have showed great success in North American institutions as a form of cooperation and advertising.

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