Analysis Seminar Innsbruck 15th-17th November 2019
General Information
This meeting was traditionally organised by the Functional Analysis groups at the Universities in Linz, Prague and Salzburg. This year it will take place for the fourth time in beautiful uphill Tirol at
Tiroler Bildungsinstitut Grillhof, Grillhofweg 100, 6080 Igls-Vill
which is situated on the outskirts of Innsbruck at an altitude of 890m.
Our main speakers will be
Catalin Badea, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille I
Keith Ball, University of Warwick
Robert Deville, Université de Bordeaux
We plan several informal lectures and fruitful mathematical discussions.
Registration Information
Past Analysis Seminars in Innsbruck: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
Past Analysis Seminar in Traunkirchen (organised by the Functional Analysis group at the University of Linz): 2018
Christian Bargetz, Michael Dymond, Uri Grupel, Vojtěch Kaluža, and Eva Kopecká, Universität Innsbruck
If you are interested in participating in the Analysis Seminar, please register as soon as possible but no later than 15th October 2019 by sending an email to:
If you plan to give a talk, please provide a provisional title and abstract. Please also indicate whether you require a single room.
The conference fee will be
€ 240 before 15th September 2019 and € 280 from 15th September 2019.
A single room can be arranged on demand. In such a case an additional € 22 will be charged. The fee for an accompanying person is € 200.
Payment of the fee should be remitted by a bank transfer to
Hypo Tirol Bank AG
Account holder: Universität Innsbruck
IBAN: AT47 5700 0210 1113 0470
Please do not forget to mention the details of payment
Reference: P7020-022-014 and YOUR NAME
1 | Badea, Catalin | Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille I | France |
2 | Ball, Keith | University of Warwick | United Kingdom |
3 | Bargetz, Christian | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
4 | Bátkai, András |
PH Vorarlberg | Austria |
5 | Breneis, Simon | JKU Linz | Austria |
6 |
Buczolich, Zoltan | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary |
7 |
Cooper, James Bell | JKU Linz | Austria |
8 |
Deville, Robert | Université de Bordeaux | France |
9 | Drescher, Tom | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
10 |
Dymond, Michael | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
11 | Fabian, Marián |
Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic |
12 |
Förg-Rob, Wolfgang | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
13 | Frühwirth, Lorenz | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Austria |
14 |
Grupel, Uri | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
15 | Hinrichs, Aicke |
JKU Linz | Austria |
16 | Horváth, Bence | Czech Academy of Sciences |
Czech Republic |
17 | Juhos, Michael | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Austria |
18 |
Kakol, Jerzy | Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan |
Poland |
19 |
Kaluža, Vojtěch |
Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
20 |
Kania, Tomasz | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic |
21 |
Kirchheim, Bernd |
Universität Leipzig | Germany |
22 |
König, Hermann | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | Germany |
23 |
Kopecká, Eva | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
24 | Lechner, Richard | JKU Linz | Austria |
25 |
Leobacher, Gunter | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Austria |
26 | Li, Jin | TU Wien | Austria |
27 | Medjic, Emir | Universität Innsbruck | Austria |
28 | Ortega Moreno, Oscar |
University of Warwick |
United Kingdom |
29 | Oskolkov, Konstantin | University of South Carolina | United States of America |
30 |
Passenbrunner, Markus | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | Austria |
31 |
Prochno, Joscha | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Austria |
32 |
Russo, Tomasso | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic |
33 |
Steinicke, Alexander |
Montanuniversität Leoben | Austria |
34 |
Ullrich, Mario | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | Austria |
35 |
Virosztek, Daniel | IST Austria | Austria |
36 |
Zalas, Rafał | The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Israel |
37 |
Zürcher, Thomas | University of Silesia in Katowice | Poland |
The conference takes place at the Tiroler Bildungsinstitut Grillhof, Grillhofweg 100, 6080 Igls-Vill. Please find the location tagged in the map below.
Programme Schedule
Friday 15th November | |
before 18:00 | Check-In at Grillhof |
19:00 | Dinner at Grillhof |
Saturday 16th November, Morning Session |
08:40–09:20 | Keith Ball: Rational approximations to the zeta function |
09:25–09:45 | Michael Dymond: A dichotomy of sets via typical differentiability |
09:50–10:10 | Hermann König: On the maximal perimeter of sections of the cube |
10:10–10:30 | Coffee break |
10:30–10:50 | Bernd Kirchheim: Convexity of variational functionals and integrands |
10:55–11:15 | Vojtěch Kaluža: Highly irregular separated nets |
11:20–11:40 | Daniel Virosztek: Isometries of Wasserstein spaces |
11:45–12:05 | Simon Breneis: Fibonacci lattices have minimal dispersion on the two-dimensional torus |
12:10–12:30 | Uri Grupel: Metric distortion of random spaces |
12:45 | Lunch |
Saturday 16th November, Afternoon Session | |
16:00–16:20 | Markus Passenbrunner: Martingale properties of spline sequences |
16:25–16:45 | Richard Lechner: Strategically reproducible bases |
16:50–17:10 | Gunther Leobacher: On Nonlinear Orthogonal Projections (Part I) |
17:15–17:35 | Alexander Steinicke: On Nonlinear Orthogonal Projections (Part II) |
17:35–17:55 | Coffee break |
17:55–18:15 | Rafał Zalas: Convergence of the CQ-method via the regularity of Landweber operators |
18:20–18:40 | András Bátkai: Perturbation of positive semigroups |
18:45–19:05 | Bence Horváth: Surjective homomorphisms of algebras of operators on Banach spaces |
19:10–19:30 | Thomas Zürcher: On a Problem of Janusz Matkowski and Jacek Wesołowski and its generalizations |
19:40 | Dinner |
21:00-21:30 | Poster Session |
Sunday 17th November, Morning Session | |
08:40–09:20 | Catalin Badea: Kazhdan constants, Fourier coefficients and ×2, ×3 dynamics |
09:25–09:45 | Jerzy Kakol: The Josefson-Nissenzweig property for spaces C p (K) and Grothendieck spaces C(K) |
09:50–10:10 | Mario Ullrich: A new bound on L2 -approximation using function values |
10:10–10:30 | Coffee break |
10:30–11:10 | Robert Deville: Examples of operators with wild dynamics |
11:15–11:35 | Zoltán Buczolich: Local Lipschitz and lipschitz constants |
11:40–12:00 | Tomasso Russo: What do dense subspaces of Hilbert spaces look like? |
12:05–12:25 | Tomasz Kania: Tsirelson and Schreier spaces, and their operators |
12:30–12:50 | James Bell Cooper: Holomorphicity in the space of observables |
13:00 | Lunch |