Teaching & Theses
The scientists from the Research Department teach at the Universities of Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna.
Lecturers in Innsbruck: http://www.uibk.ac.at/
Lehramtsstudium Unterrichtsfach Biologie und Umweltkunde (in German only)
Projektstudien Fachdidaktik am Mondsee WS (Sonntag, B.)
Bachelor's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) Subject: Biology and Environmental Protection
Pflichtmodul: Didaktische Grundlagen des forschungsorientierten Lernens (UE) (LV Leiter O. Seppälä)
Projektstudie Fachdidaktik am Mondsee WS (Sonntag, B.)
Bachelor Programme Biology
Module Genomevolution Mondsee (lecturers Hahn, M.; Lamatsch, D.; Stelzer, C.-P.)
Master Programme Botany
EU Hydrobotanic project study in Mondsee (lecturer R. Kurmayer)
Master Programme Microbiology
Master Programme Ecology and Biodiversity
Module Fishecology SS Mondsee (lecturer Wanzenböck, J.)
Module Evolutionary Ecology of Aquatic Organisms Mondsee (lecturers Hahn, M.; Kurmayer, R.; Sonntag, B.; Stelzer, C.-P.)
Master Programme Zoology
Module Parasitology Mondsee SS Mondsee (lecturer O. Seppälä)
Module Physiological Toxicology and Environmental Toxicology SS Innsbruck and Mondsee (VO, SE, UE) (lecturer O. Seppälä)
PhD Programme Biology
Interdisciplinary course in Mondsee - Limnogeology (lecturers involved from Mondsee: Sonntag, B.; Kurmayer, R.; Wanzenböck, J.) for students in biology, geology and geography
Lamatsch feedback "Genderforschung in der Biologie"
Biopage of the University of Innsbruck
Lecturer in Salzburg: https://www.plus.ac.at
Lecturer in Vienna: https://www.univie.ac.at/
The Research Department for Limnology, Mondsee continuously invites MSc or PhD students and guest researchers to apply for collaboration in the research areas listed under Research or other fields of research covered by any of the staff members.
Applications should be directed to the secretary of the Research Department for Limnology, Mondsee of the University of Innsbruck, Mondseestrasse 9, A-5310 Austria, or to any of the scientists listed under Personnel