Univ. Ass.in Josefine Wagner, Ph.D.
Arbeitsbereich Inklusive Pädagogik
Institut für LehrerInnenbildung und Schulforschung
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52a, A-6020 Innsbruck (3. Stock)
E-Mail: josefine.wagner@uibk.ac.at
Josefine Wagner is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research of the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She is an educational anthropologist and a former secondary school teacher. In her research she focuses on inclusive pedagogy, disability studies and critical race theory in education, the historiography of special needs education in Central Europe as well as the Holocaust. As a past Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow of the European Doctorate in Teacher Education (grant agreement no. 676452), she is an alumni of the University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw, Poland and the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her doctoral work, a multi-sited ethnography of inclusive policies and practices in Poland, Austria, and Germany, earned her the 2019 Concha Delgado Gaitan award of the Council on Anthropology and Education of the American Anthropological Association. Josefine is a former fellow of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC.
- 02/2014-02/2016, Referendariat an Sekundarschule/Teacher training at a secondary school, Land Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft (Germany)
- 02/2016-03/2019, Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Initial Training Networks Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (EU): Doctoral Researcher in the European Horizon 2020 doctoral program at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria) and the University of Lower Silesia (Poland) European Doctorate in Teacher Education (grant agreement number: 676452 )
- 2020, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (USA): Visiting Scholar at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
- Seit 12/2020, Postdoc am Institut für LehrerInnenbildung und Schulforschung, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
- 01/01/2024-01/06/2024, Forschungssemester an der Maynooth University, Faculty of Social Sciences, co-hosted by Department of Anthropology & Department of Education (Ireland)
- Ethnographische Schulforschung
- Inklusive Pädagogik & Disability Studies
- Kritische Policy Forschung
- Historiographie und Professionsforschung der Sonderpädagogik & Holocaust Studies
Aufgabenbereiche am ILS:
- Forschung: Inklusive Pädagogik, Geschichte der Sonderschule in Tirol, UNBRK, Intersektionale Bildungsforschung
- Lehre: SoSe - PS Bildung und Erziehung von Jugendlichen mit besonderen Problemlagen (BA) & Seminar mit Bacherlorarbeit; WS: VO Forschungsfragen und aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse der Inklusiven Pädagogik (BA); Forschungsseminar mit Schwerpunkt Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung im Kontext Inklusiver Bildung (MA)
Publikationen und Beiträge:
Wagner, J. (forthcoming, 2025). Schools for All? Central European Education between Eugenics and Human Rights. New York, NY: SUNY Press (Series: Education in Global Perspectives; advanced contract signed, under final revision).
Wagner, J. & Szelei, N. (2024). Doing Difference Differently? Exploring Inclusion at an Elementary School in Austria. Quality Assurance in Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/QAE-01-2024-0007.
Richter, H., & Wagner, J. (2024). Schulischen Verletzbarkeiten entgegentreten. Zwischen Subjektivierung und Widerständigkeit [Answering back to educational vulnerabilities. Between subjectivisation and resistance]. In: C. Angeli, M. Bstieler, S. Nimführ, & S. Schmidt (Eds.) Schauplätze der Verletzbarkeit [Places of vulnerability]. Berlin: DeGruyter.
Wagner, J. (accepted for publication, forthcoming in fall 2024). Between ‘fossilised’ structures and transformative policies: Inclusive teacher education in Austria. Learning and Teaching (The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences), invited contribution in special issue edited by J. Larson, S. Wright & P. Welch.
Szelei, N., Wagner, J., Eloff, I., & Acquah, E. (2024). Editorial. Scrutinising educational responses to migration: critical perspectives on changes in educational practice, policy and research. Frontiers in Education, 9, https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1385188.
Wagner, J., Szelei, N., Eloff, I., & Acquah, E. (2024). Together or Separate? Tracing Classroom Pedagogies of (Un)Belonging for Newcomer Migrant Pupils in Two Austrian Schools. Frontiers in Education, 9, https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1301415. (Publication fee financed by the Office of the Vice Dean of Research, the Faculty of Teacher Education, and the Department of Teacher Education and School Research of the University of Innsbruck)
Sonntag, M., & Wagner, J. (2024). Angehende Inklusionspädagog*innen unter widersprüchlichen Bedingungen [Future inclusion pedagogues under contradictory working conditions]. Erziehung & Unterricht, 174 (1-2), 55-64.
Gasteiger-Klicpera, B., Buchner, T., Frank, E. (…), Wagner, J. (2023). Evaluierung der Vergabepraxis des sonderpädagogischen Förderbedarfs (SPF) in Österreich. Abschlussbericht [Evaluation of special educational labeling practices in Austria. Final report]. Wien: BMBWF. https://www.uibk.ac.at/ils/mitarbeiter/hoffmann/download/gasteiger.et.al.2023-evaluierung-spf-vergabepraxis.pdf
Wagner, J. (2023). Steuerung als Aneignungsstrategie? Wenn Sonderpädagog*innen Inklusion in die eigenen Hände nehmen. In: R. Kruschel, K. Merz-Atalik (Hrsg.): Steuerung von Inklusion!? Perspektiven auf Governance Prozesse im Schulsystem, 281-298. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-40103-0
Wagner, J. (2023). The annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Seattle, WA, 9-13 November 2022. An unsettling report. Zeitschrift für Disability Studies, https://doi.org/10.15203/ZDS_2023_1.11
Schönwiese, V. und J. Wagner (2023). Zurück zu den Wurzeln inklusiver Forschung: Regionale und internationale Verortungen. In: M. Hoffmann, T. Hoffmann, L. Pfahl, M. Rasell, H. Richter, R. Seebo, M. Sonntag, J. Wagner (Hrsg.): Raum. Macht. Inklusion: Inklusive Räume erforschen und entwickeln, 30-42. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt Verlag. https://doi.org/10.35468/5993
Wagner, J. (2023). Rezension: Wiesel, Elie: Boschki, Reinhold (Hg.): Die Nacht. Erinnerung und Zeugnis - Neu übersetzt. Feiburg: Herder Verlag 2022. ISBN: 978-3-451-03397-1, S. 192, In: H-Soz-Kult, 02.02.2023, www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-132892.
Wagner, J. (2023). Ada, Ada, and Ada: Transforming Learner Identities through Social Practice. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 54 (3), 165-182. https://doi.org/10.1111/aeq.12439
Wagner, J. (2021). Flags, Crucifix and Language Regimes: Space-marking in three Central European primary schools. JSSE (Journal for Social Science Education), 20 (4), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.11576/jsse-4517
Wagner, J. (2020). Resisting Performativity Measures through Local Activism: A Critical Exploration of the 2019 Polish Teacher Strike. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 18 (3), 1-28. http://www.jceps.com/archives/10141
Wagner, J. (2019). “Weakness of the Soul:” The Special Education Tradition at the Intersection of Eugenic Discourses, Race Hygiene and Education Policies. Conatus (Special Issue: Bioethics and the Holocaust), 4 (2), 83-104. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/cjp.21073
Wagner, J. (2019). Struggling for Educational Justice in Disabling Societies: A Multi-Sited School-Based Ethnography of Inclusive Policies and Practices in Poland, Austria and Germany. In M. Schratz, H. Cervinkova, G. Halasz, M. Pol, L. Tinoca (Eds.): European Doctorate in Teacher Education: Researching Policy and Practice, (pp. 206-219). Wroclaw: University of Lower Silesia Press. http://www.edite.eu/news/2019/11/edite-final-book-has-been-published/
Wagner, J. (2018). DisCrit: Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education, (Review of the book DisCrit: Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education by D. J. Connor, B. A. Ferri and S. A. Annamma). CEPS Journal, 8 (3), 215-220.
Rasinski, L., Toth, T., and Wagner, J. (Eds.) (2017). European Perspectives in Transformative Education. Wroclaw: University of Lower Silesia Press.
Wagner, J., Muhammad, S., Stocker, E., and B. Telatynska (2017). Pippi Longstocking: Reading Beyond an Empowerment Icon. In L. Rasinski, T. Toth and J. Wagner (Eds.): European Perspectives in Transformative Education, 99-120. Wroclaw: University of Lower Silesia Press. https://opub.dsw.edu.pl/bitstream/11479/295/1/European_Perspectives_in_Transformative_Education.pdf
Wagner, J., (2016). Teachers in Disarray: Clashes Between Inclusive Policy and Practice in a German School. Forum Oswiatowe, 65-82. http://forumoswiatowe.pl/index.php/czasopismo/article/viewFile/464/295
Western Galilee College: Holocaust Research in Challenging Times: An Online Conference of Holocaust Research. Presentation: Education for Inferiority: Race Hygienic Discourses in Special Needs Education, 11. Mai 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bWbbK2zfc; 38:34-48).
Diskutantin des Dokumentarfilms “The Unconditional” für das ReelAbilities Film Festival Boston of Boston Jewish Film,27. März 2020 (ReelAbililties Boston 2020 - March 27 Online Q+A).