Works council for academic staff (BR1*DA)



opening hours and location


18.07.2024: Announcement secretariat BR1*DA

The secretariat of the works council for academic staff  will be closed from 22.07. to 26.07. due to vacation.

From 29.07. to 02.08. the secretariat is not occupied in the afternoon.  


location of the BR1*DA-office:

Universität Innsbruck
Büro des Betriebsrates für das wissenschaftliche Personal
und des Dienststellenausschusses
Innrain 52d (ehemaliger GEIWI-Turm)
8. Stock, nordost-seitig
6020 Innsbruck

Zi 40806 - meeting room and office of the Chairwoman



Zi 40808 - secretariat: Doris Sommeregger  

Telefon: +43 512 507 34001 oder +43 676 8725 34001
Fax: +43 512 507 34099
e-mail:  or

opening hours secretariat:

Monday  to Friday:  9.00 to 12.00h

afternoon Monday to Thursday: 14.00 to 16.00h










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