Works council for academic staff (BR1*DA)



opening hours and location



08.01.2025: Announcement secretariat BR1*DA

The secretariat of the works council for academic staff will be closed all day on Monday 13 January due to a works council meeting and on Tuesday 14 January in the morning.



location of the BR1*DA-office:

Universität Innsbruck
Büro des Betriebsrates für das wissenschaftliche Personal
und des Dienststellenausschusses
Innrain 52d (ehemaliger GEIWI-Turm)
8. Stock, nordost-seitig
6020 Innsbruck

Zi 40806 - meeting room and office of the Chairwoman



Zi 40808 - secretariat: Doris Sommeregger  

Telefon: +43 512 507 34001 oder +43 676 8725 34001
Fax: +43 512 507 34099
e-mail:  or

opening hours secretariat:

Monday  to Friday:  9.00 to 12.00h

afternoon Monday to Thursday: 14.00 to 16.00h










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