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Stochastics Group

Scientific Staff

Name Position
Ecaterina Sava-Huss, PhD Professor
Alexander Glazman, PhD Assistant Professor
Hanna Oppelmayer Postdoc
David Beck-Tiefenbach PhD Student
Robin Kaiser PhD Student
Martin Klötzer PhD Student
Moritz Dober PhD Student
at University of Vienna (frequent visits to Innsbruck)
Maran Mohanarangan PhD Student
at Universities of Innsbruck and Fribourg

Administrative Staff

Name Position
Christina Bailey Office (Glazman)
Karoline Köppl-Blöb Office (Sava-Huss)


Former members of the group

Name Position
Yuwen Wang Postdoc
Dr. Jürgen Kampf  
Konrad Kolesko, PhD  
Alexander V. Marynych, PhD LFUI guest professor
Matthias Meiners, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Former Head of the group
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