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Publications - Tom Drescher  




  • On Projections of Free Semi-Algebraic Sets (with T. Netzer, A. Thom) [arXiv:1709.08424]
  • Quantum Magic Squares: Dilations and Their Limitations (with G. de las Cuevas, T. Netzer) [arXiv:1912.07332]



  1. Separability for Mixed States with Operator Schmidt Rank Two (with G. de las Cuevas, T. Netzer), to appear in Quantum [arXiv:1903.05373]


Other Documents

  • Diploma Thesis: Graphen und Determinantendarstellungen (Graphs and Determinantal Representations)
  • Dissertation: Free Convex Semi-Algebraic Geometry - The Limits of Quantifier Elimination, Projection Properties, and Operator Systems



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