Organising Committee
Anna Islentyeva is a post-doctoral research associate and lecturer in English linguistics in the English Department at the Universität Innsbruck.
Anna is the author of the monograph Corpus-based Analysis of Ideological Bias: Migration in the British Press published by Routledge in 2020. She has published on the discourses of migration, national identity, metaphors of Europe in the context of Brexit, discourses around COVID-19, and gender in advertising in Critical Discourse Studies, Discourse & Communication, Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies and Zeitschrift für Anglistik and Amerikanistik.
Karoline Irschara is a post-doctoral research associate and lecturer at the Department of General Linguistics at the Universität Innsbruck.
Christine Konecny is Associate Professor in Italian linguistics at the Department of Romance Languages at the Universität Innsbruck.

Claudia Posch is Associate Professor in Applied linguistics at the Department of General Linguistics at the Universität Innsbruck.
Gerhard Rampl is Senior Scientist and lecturer in Applied linguistics at the Department of General Linguistics at the Universität Innsbruck.
Elisabeth Zimmermann is in the master’s programme for Teaching English and German, and Education Sciences at the Universität Innsbruck.
Her research interest are visual cultural studies and critical (gender) analysis.
She is currently working on her MA thesis focusing on the representations of gender in food and beverage advertising supervised by Dr. Anna Islentyeva.