Project objective 9: Person-environment analysis
The person-environment analysis is a method suitable for systematically analysing the spatial, structural, organizational and institutional conditions in the environment of persons with intellectual disabilities and behavioural disorders, taking into account both internal and external factors. With a view to changes towards more social inclusion, the core question is which barriers and conditional factors we have to pay attention to.
In other words, it is about identifying all the important factors that affect a person's life and need to be taken into account. Usually, environment analyses are divided into social and factual factors. In the VEMAS project, the person-environment analysis focuses on the factual factors. It can provide significant insights into how inclusion can be better achieved and where systemic exclusionary structures and barriers impede or prevent participation. An example of this is the rule that in many residential facilities, adults must be "in their room" at 8:00 p.m. and stay there until 7:00 a.m. This rule is not applicable to all residential facilities. Considering that social and cultural life, i.e. community-building activities, often take place in the evening hours (sports, movies, dinners, etc.), such a rule can be an exclusionary measure. Thus, the person-environment analysis represents a useful tool when it comes to initiating concrete changes in the life of a person with intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems. It sheds light on the relationship between the system and the lifeworld of the individual person and helps to analyse and clarify the following aspects:
- to recognize external influences on the life of a person;
- to reveal structural or institutional framework conditions;
- to identify already existing requirements;
- to recognize possible problems;
- to identify interfaces with the outside world;
- to identify possible structural or institutional starting points for social inclusion.

© Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V., Illustrator Stefan Albers