Project objective 7: Case discussion concept
Case discussion is usually a method in which team members exchange information systematically and in a goal-oriented manner. In the VEMAS project, case discussions take place with a fixed team but also with changing participants. The topic of each case discussion determines the composition of the respective group.
Therefore, the basic objective for the use of the case discussion method in this project is: With the recordings of the case discussions, the diagnostic phase and the extensive survey on the question: "Why does the person with intellectual impairments and behavioral problems behave the way he or she does and to what extent does his or her behavior make sense? In the case discussion, the task now is to sift through, reflect on, and organize the different insights and approaches to understanding. The goal is to develop a changed perspective and possible alternative courses of action in dealing with the behavioural problems against this background.
Within the theoretical framework of the case discussion method, three dimensions can be described on which case discussions have an influence. The dimensions interpenetrate and influence each other and can therefore never be considered in isolation.
- Subjective dimension: This dimension focuses on the person. In this case, the subjective view of persons with intellectual impairments and behavioral problems. Using the diagnostic instruments developed in the VEMAS project, the aim is to gain as many different perspectives as possible on a person and his or her behavior. These should be reflected comprehensively and in the context of their environment. If possible, case discussions should always take place with the affected persons themselves, who are in demand here as experts in their own matters, for example when checking the hypotheses that have been made.
- Social-interactive environment dimension: This dimension focuses on the social environment of persons with intellectual disabilities and behavioural disorders as well as on behaviour as an interpersonal event. For these topics, it can be useful to include some people from the social environment in the case discussions. Basically, the goal at the level of this dimension is to show ways and possibilities on how the social environment can or must change so that discrimination, exclusion, negative attention, negative attributions, etc. are avoided and social inclusion is strengthened.
- Structural-institutional dimension: In this dimension, the spatial, structural, organizational and institutional framework conditions are reflected on against the background of the findings from the diagnostic phase. Here, for example, depending on the topic, it may be useful to ask facility managers to join the case discussions. The goals of the case discussion are:
- To understand the meaningfulness of the conspicuous behaviour.
- To understand the behaviour against the background of this meaningfulness.
- To reinterpret the behaviour accordingly.