About the project

Brief description of the project objectives, the concept and the consortium

Behavior makes sense – Understanding behavioral problems of people with disabilities – see the person – change the perspective


Duration: 2021-2024

Funding program: ERASMUS+

Project partners: University of Innsbruck, Austria (coordinator), University of Würzburg, Germany (partner), Dienststelle Selbstbestimmtes Leben, Belgium (partner)





Project objectives

The project comprises twelve different and very specific project goals.   

In the following you will find more specific information and details.

  1. Basic handout – brochure
  2. Questionnaires for observation and reflection for understanding (re-historicizing) diagnostics 
  3. Questionnaires for people with behavioural disorders on their social environment 
  4. Communication aids
  5. Conversation guidelines for people in the wider social environment
  6. Guidelines for biography work
  7. Concepts for case-discussion
  8. Concept for personal and inclusive future planning
  9. Person-environment analysis – better: analysis for the person’s respective environment
  10. Case histories (including video and photo material)
  11. Explanatory videos for further education and training
  12. Homepage and digital learning platform


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