University of Innsbruck



Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion

We have launched a new Masters Program in Philosophy of Religion. The whole course of study is conducted in English and may be taken either online via distance-learning, ... [more]

Studierende mit Professor


First and foremost, you can study philosophy at our department - in accordance with the "Bologna structure" - from Bachelor to PhD. [more]

Professor am Schreibtisch

Our Research

The Department of Christian Philosophy is an internationally networked research center comprising experts in a wide array of philosophical areas, including such as metaph... [more]

Mitarbeiterinnen des Instituts

Who We Are

We are a team of philosophers doing research and teaching at the University of Innsbruck, enthusiastic to share their knowledge and their passion for Philosophy with thei... [more]

Professor gratuliert Studentin


Current Exam Schedule and Further Information on Exams [more]


Department of Christian Philosophy
Institut für Christliche Philosophie
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-85001
+43 512 507-85099

Head of Department:
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christoph Jäger

Opening hours:
The office is closed during August.
New opening hours from September onwards will be announced. 

We congratulate Federica Malfatti on being awarded the Erika-Cremer-Habilitationsstipendium of the University of Innsbruck.

The lecture "Fundamentals of Metaphysics" by Winfried Löffler including OLAT learning environment was included in the Atlas of Good Teaching of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Planned Events  [more]

Now online  [more]

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