XXth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016)
February 7 – 12, 2016 Davos, Switzerland
Jürgen Stohner, Chahan Yeretzian (eds.)
ISBN 978-3-903122-04-8
brosch., 224 Seiten, engl.
2016, innsbruck university press • iup
Preis: 19,90 Euro
The international Symposium on Atomic, cluster and Surface Physics, SASP, is a continuing biennial series of conferences, founded in 1978 by members of the Institute of Atomphysik, now Institute of Ionphysics and Applied Physics of the University of Innsbruck, Austria. SASP symposia aim to promote the growth of scientific knowledge and effective exchange of information among scientists in the field of atomic, molecular, cluster and surface physics, stressing both fundamental concepts and applications across these areas of interdisciplinary science. A major focus of SASP 2016 is on ion-molecule reactions, intermolecular interactions, gas and surface dynamics, cold molecules/ions and chirality. Since the beginning, the SASP format has been similar to that of a Gordon Conference, with invited lectures, hot topic oral presentations, posters and ample time for discussions. The attendance to the symposium has been kept to about 100 participants to favor interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary discussions.