Studying at Our Institute


What does it mean to study? The self-conception of the institute is based on the premise that students, due to their choice of studies or subjects, are highly intrinsically motivated, have many questions, and show interest in academic work. The Matura (or an equivalent diploma) certifies the willingness to study at an educational level and a degree of self-determination that we at the institute use as the basis for our study programme and its delivery. Students in the various study programmes, especially at the bachelor level, should expect university studies to provide guidance for independent, self-directed learning and specifically not a continuation of "school" or school-like learning. We believe that guidance towards independent learning and thinking, handling complex problems, and reflecting on societal developments are key qualities of university education, distinguishing it from education at other institutions, particularly universities of applied sciences.

Student Profile

The profile we ideally expect from students interested in Banking & Finance can be outlined as follows:

  • First and foremost, students should bring intellectual curiosity and interest in the subject. A tendency towards analytical, abstract, and reflective thinking are further qualities that distinguish successful students.
  • Specifically for the field of Banking & Finance, we expect students – colloquially speaking – not to be afraid of numbers and formulas. For understanding certain topics, a basic education in mathematics and an interest in statistics and statistical relationships are more than helpful.
  • In addition to formal basics, a solid foundation in accounting and economic contexts completes the profile.
  • Last but not least, students should have a good command of the English language, both written and spoken, as it is the language in which the majority of academic articles are written, and in which communication at conferences and in business life takes place.

General Study Offerings

What study offerings does our institute provide? The current range of courses can be outlined for the three Bologna levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD) as follows:

Bachelor in Economics

As part of the compulsory programme for all bachelor students, we offer the module "Fundamentals of Management: Investment and Financing," consisting of a 2-hour lecture and a 2-hour accompanying exercise per week. Here, the internationally common, fundamental issues in the areas of investment and financing are discussed, classified, and explored in depth. The aim is to provide students with financial and banking basics that every graduate of an economics bachelor's degree should master, preparing our graduates for fundamental and current discussions in these areas both nationally and internationally. [more...]

For students who wish to deepen their studies at our institute, the elective modules "Bank Management" and "Financial Management" provide two paths that can be taken separately or combined. In any case, the module "Risk Management" can be chosen as an advanced course.

Students planning to pursue the consecutive Master in "Banking & Finance" are well-advised to complete at least two, ideally all three, of these modules. Since the master's programme builds on the knowledge from the elective modules (in the bachelor's programme), students who complete these modules have a significant starting advantage and increase their success in the master's programme. A good result in the fundamental modules "Mathematics" and "Statistical Data Analysis" is also helpful. To round off the specialisation, the optional modules "Corporate Decisions" and "International Finance" offered by the institute can be taken as electives.

  The following combination of modules in the bachelor's programme is recommended as a foundation for the master's in "Banking and Finance":

  • Bank Management (Fundamentals)
  • Financial Management (Fundamentals)
  • SVWL Methods of Empirical Economic Research (Fundamentals)
  • Risk Management (Advanced)
  • One of the following modules as a free elective:
    • Statistical Modelling
    • Corporate Decisions
    • Behavioural Economics
  • Bachelor thesis with a quantitative focus

Master in Banking and Finance

Building on the bachelor's degree, our institute offers the specialised "Master of Science in Banking and Finance." The master's programme requires a prior, fundamental engagement with issues in the fields of banking and finance. Formally, there are qualitative admission requirements that are considered met if at least 22.5 ECTS-AP (i.e., 3 modules) in the relevant subject area have been completed in the preceding studies. [more...]

As a university programme leading to a "Master of Science" degree, the master's programme has a clear scientific orientation, aiming for a high level of subject depth alongside broad content. The programme aims to combine scientific focus with practical relevance, offering graduates promising career prospects. We support practical relevance not only through the inclusion of practitioners in courses but also through guest lectures, occasional internships, and the possibility of thesis projects in cooperation with companies.

The institute expects a high degree of intrinsic motivation, independent work, and willingness to contribute constructively to courses and group work from students in the master's programme.

We offer highly motivated students substantial support in their work, exam preparation, and administrative matters. Among other things, we facilitate the integration of a semester abroad, help establish contacts with companies, and involve students in the research activities of the institute. For those students who enjoy academic work and consider pursuing a PhD, we offer early involvement in current research projects. For instance, the master's thesis can already be structured in such a way that it provides an excellent starting point for a first research paper as part of a cumulative dissertation.

PhD Programme

The institute is committed to the view that a PhD programme is primarily aimed at students who aspire to an academic career or a research-related position in the public or private sector. With the Bologna system, the value of degrees has shifted. Compared to the classic doctorate, the structured PhD programme offers courses that provide additional in-depth knowledge beyond the master's degree and are characterised by a consistent focus on developing academic contributions. The PhD degree thus focuses on young researchers. [more...]

Since the field of "Banking and Finance" is located at

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