


Wozu braucht Eltern­schaft ein Geschlecht? Inter­dis­zi­pli­näre femi­nis­ti­sche Per­spek­ti­ven auf das Pri­vate als öffent­li­che Ange­le­gen­heit Innsbruck Gender Lectures 2023/24

Levke Harders is fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Bielefeld) for the academic year 2023/24. She is part of the international research group "Internalizing Borders: The Social and Normative Consequences of the European Border Regime".


16.05.2024, Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin: As part of the lecture series „Decolonial Feminism“, Muriel González Athenas talkst o Chahim A'jam Vásquez from Guatemala, a Mayan trans activist.

23.05.2024, Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam: Levke Harders gives a lecture on „Migration, Intersectionality, and Gender“ at the spring conference of the Working Group for Modern Social History on „Belonging and Inequality in Global Migration of the 19th and 20th Centuries“.

1.-2.7.2024, Freie University Berlin: Elisa Heinrich takes part in the international final conference of the DFG network „Queer Contemporary Histories in German-speaking Europe“ on the topic „Queer Contemporary Histories – as International and Intersectional"




Together with QWIEN - centre for queer history in Vienna - the OeAD program ERINNERN:AT has developed learning materials for teachers on the persecution of homosexuals under national socialism. Elisa Heinrich contributed to the material: 

 Now available online: In September 2023 the Mauthausen Dialogforum dealt with questions of queer history for the first time. Elisa Heinrich gave a presentation on the situation of homosexual victims of National Socialism in Austria after 1945. All presentations of the 2-day conference are now available online:


Programme of the research colloquium of the MA programme in history.


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