Oral Presentations
Universal Guidelines
Keynote speakers are given 30 minute time slots (25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions).
All other speakers are given 15 minute time slots (12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions).
It is preferred that presentations are prepared in the 16:9 aspect ratio and uploaded as a Powerpoint *.pptx file. Please use standard formatting and fonts so as to minimise disruptions to the appearance of your presentation when it is transferred to a different computer.
I am presenting at the venue in Innsbruck
Please prepare your presentation according to the general guidelines listed above and upload the file at least 24 hours before your session begins to this link. Include your name in the file name to make sure we assign your file correctly. Note, in order to provide the best online experience, it will not be possible to plug in and use your own laptop.
You have two options to deliver you presentation online
- Pre-recorded Video
Please record your presentation according to the universal guidlines listed above. Make sure that the video has an approriately high resolution in to be projected on a large screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio, the audio quality is good and your voice is loud enough. Save the file in a commonly used format (e.g.: *.mp4) and upload it at least 24 hours before your session to this link. Please include your name in the file name.
We kindly ask you to be available for discussion after your presentation video has been played (your timezone has been taken into account). You will receive a link to join the session via email.
- Live presentation during the session
If you want to present live during the conference, please prepare your slides as in accordance with the general guidelines and upload them at least 24 hours before your session to this link. Please include your name in the file name. You will receive a personalized link via email which you will use to join the online session. Detailed information is provided in this document.
Additionally, we will provide the opportunity for a technical rehersal on the 5th and 12th of July and you will be contacted about this in due course. Please note, you do not need to have your presentation finalised for the technical check.
As an emergency backup, we'd still encourage you to provide a pre-recorded version of you talk and upload it here.
Poster Presentations
Universal Guidelines
Posters should be prepared in portrait orientation up to maximum size of A0 (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high).
Posters will be hung for the whole duration of the conference. However, you will be assigned a time-slot when you are requested to be available at your poster for discussion during one of the poster sessions. Due to the large number of posters, it is not possible to give everyone a slot for a scheduled poster introduction.
I am presenting my poster online
There will be space in the main poster session to hang the posters of online presenters. Please arrange for a colleague to bring and hang your poster for you, or alternatively, your poster can be printed in Innsbruck for a modest fee (A0 matte 16€, A0 glossy 25€). If you wish to have your poster printed, please send the final document by 3rd July to kr9conference-geology@uibk.ac.at. If it is too large to send by email, then please use a file transfer service such as WeTransfer. The poster will then be printed and in case there are issues, we still have some time to fix them.
You can also provide your poster in an electronic format to be viewed online. Please send a *.pdf file to kr9conference-geology@uibk.ac.at by 3rd July, 2022.
For the presentation of your poster, we ask you to be available online via zoom during your designated poster session to answer questions. Each online presenter will have their own breakout room in which to host their guests. People attending the conference in-person will be able to scan a QR code whilst looking at your poster, or follow a link, to engage with the online poster presenters. Those attending online will naturally also be able to join the online poster session.
If you are presenting a poster online and are not available during the poster sessions at 17:00 to 19:00 CET, you are asked to add a note to your poster indicating when you can be reached online, e.g. Monday 10:00-10:30 CET (during the coffee break). You can also let the organisers know at the conference email address, and then this information can be added to the programme.