Mini S4 (Summer School on Speleothem Science)
After a long deliberation, the organisers of the Summer School on Speleothem Science have decided to hold an interim 'Mini-S4' on the 15th and 16th July, 2022, prior to the main KR9 conference. The traditional S4 Summer School has been postponed to 2023.
Mini S4 will be a small-scale, in-person summer school, bringing together students and/or early career researchers and experts from the field of speleothem science. The Mini S4 will include a mixture of lectures and workshops on various topics in the field of speleothem science and as well as providing an excellent opportunity to network with other students and experts.
For further details on Mini-S4 please visit the S4 website. Please note that registration for Mini-S4 is separate to the main KR9 conference.