Conference Activities
The conference ice breaker will take place on the evening of Sunday 17th July, 2022, at the same location as the main conference activities (Centre for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB), Innrain 80, 6020 Innsbruck). For those taking part in the fieldtrip, you will be back in time for the icebreaker.
Time and Date: 1700-1900, Sunday 17th July, 2022
Location: Foyer, Centre for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB), Innrain 80, 6020 Innsbruck
Cost: Included in registration fee
Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will be held on the evening of Wednesday 20th July, 2022, at Cafe Restaurant Am Tivoli. We will be offering an informal buffet including traditional Austrian food. Dietary requirements are requested at registration. Shuttle buses between the conference venue and dinner venue will be provided before and after the meal, however, it is also possible to travel via public bus or a 30 minute walk. Following the meal, some people may find it preferable to make their own transport arrangements to their hotel as the venue is likely within walking distance.
Time and Date: 1900 - 2230, Wednesday 20th July, 2022
Location: Cafe Restaurant Am Tivoli, Adele-Obermayr-Straße 14, 6020 Innsbruck
Cost: €35
Transfer: There will be an option of bus transport to the conference dinner from the main conference location at 1830. The conference dinner is, however, located close to the centre of town. Participants may prefer to take a break, return to their accommodation after the close of the conference at 1730, and meet us directly at the conference dinner. Following the dinner, there will be a bus returning to the conference location at 2230, but for many people it will likely be more convenient to walk or take public transport to their accommodation.