Moses Walk in Marble Arch Cave, Northern Ireland. Photo: Marble Arch Caves ( and Robbie Shone (
The main KR9 conference has been rescheduled to 17th-20th July, 2022, with peripheral activities 15th-21st July, 2022.
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This conference will bring together scientists and students to share the latest progress in the rapidly developing field of cave- and karst-based (palaeo)climate research. Following the successful meetings in Bergen, Norway (1996), Krakow, Poland (2000), Montpellier, France (2003), Baile Herculane, Romania (2006), Chongqing, China (2008), Birmingham, UK (2011), Melbourne, Australia (2014), and Austin/TX, USA (2017), the Climate Change: The Karst Record IX (KR9) conference will be held from July 17th-20th, 2022 at the University of Innsbruck, Austria