Welcome to the dha 2017!
The 4th Digital Humanities Austria Conference in cooperation with DARIAH, CLARIN and Digital Humanities Austria will take place at the University of Innsbruck (A) from December 4th to December 6th, 2017.
The conference this year is according to the motto "Data First!?". The (half)-automatized data production and its quality, analysis, interpretation and visualization is gaining importance throughout the humanities.
The purpose of this conference is to develop an exchange of experiences between humanities scholars, employees of libraries, archives, as well as computer sciences and technologies. Successful research activities in the field of digital humanities are (almost) always determined by interdisciplinarity, skills of different research fields will be required. Due to that, the involvement of new developments in related research areas is important to us. Young scientists are particularly encouraged to present their research results in front of a broad audience - for example in the form of a poster or a demonstration.
The environment is one of our particular concerns. Due to that this event will be held as a Going Green Tyrol Event.
Please support us!
This event is barrier-free. Wheelchair user and people with special needs are able to contact Tamara.Terbul@uibk.ac.at in case of further questions.
Public Ceremonial Address - Monday, December 4th, 2017 - 20:00 c.t.
We are especially happy that the public ceremonial address will be presented by Christoph Hofinger of the SORA institute. He will focus on the social-scientific perspective of data.
Keynote - Tuesday, December 5th, 2017 - 09:30
We are very happy to welcome Dr. Dominique Stutzmann as a keynote speaker. His presentation will be about "Image as Data".
Program Committee
- Thomas Aigner (ICARUS)
- Peter Andorfer (ÖAW Vienna)
- Tara Lee Andrews (Uni Vienna)
- Kai Erenli (FH of the BFI Vienna)
- Werner Fritz (FH Joanneum)
- Christiane Fritze (Austrian National Library)
- Josef Gründler (FH Joanneum)
- Silvia Gstrein (Uni Innsbruck)
- Klaus Hanke (Uni Innsbruck)
- Vanessa Hannesschläger (ÖAW Vienna)
- Tobias Hodel (Uni Zurich)
- Martin Korenjak (Uni Innsbruck)
- Karlheinz Mörth (ÖAW Vienna)
- Günter Mühlberger (Uni Innsbruck)
- Hannes Obermair (Uni Innsbruck)
- Wolfgang Palaver (Uni Innsbruck)
- Eva Pfanzelter (Uni Innsbruck)
- Claudia Posch (Uni Innsbruck)
- Gerhard Rampl (Uni Innsbruck)
- Andreas Rauber (TU Vienna)
- Wolfgang Reitberger (FH Kufstein)
- Claudia Resch (ÖAW Vienna)
- Alexander Rind (FH St. Pölten)
- Günther Specht (Uni Innsbruck)
- Andy Stauder (Uni Innsbruck)
- Johannes Hubert Stigler (Uni Graz)
- Ulrike Tanzer (Uni Innsbruck)
- Tamara Terbul (Uni Innsbruck)
- Michael Ustaszewski (Uni Innsbruck)
- Georg Vogeler (Uni Graz)
- Florian Windhager (Uni Krems)
- Tanja Wissik (ÖAW Vienna)
- Eva Zangerle (Uni Innsbruck)
Organization Committee
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tanzer
Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv
Josef-Hirn-Straße 5
+43 512 507-45101
assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Eva Pfanzelter
+43 512 507-44.08
Mag. Dr. Günter Mühlberger