Research Projects

Project description
Published papers
Research partners and Co-authors in alphabetical order
Brands as Mediators and Action Nets
One of the main goals of the Brand Research Lab is to advance branding theory. In our past and future theorizing, we offer an integrative and processual perspective, based on social representations theory, action nets theory, and assemblage thinking. Our perspective considers recent disruptive technological and societal changes and considers a new role for brands - that of a mediator, used and co-cited by a multitude of agents.

1. Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Hans Mühlbacher (2022), “Co-creation or Co-destruction? Value-based Brand Formation,” in Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach and Adam Lindgreen (eds.) Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, practice, and ethical implications, Edward Elgar, pp. 92-106.

2. Von Wallpach, Sylvia and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Brands in Action: Understanding corporate branding dynamics from an Action Net Perspective,” in Iglesias Oriol, Nicholas Ind and Majken Schultz (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding Routledge.

Schöps, Jonathan D., Philipp K. Wegerer, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2017), "Brand-Mediated Ideological Edgework: Negotiating the Aestheticized Human Body on Instagram - The Case of American Apparel," in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 45, 474–478.

Eric Arnould, Andrea Hemetsberger, Hans Mühlbacher, Philipp Wegerer, Sylvia von Wallpach
Moments of Luxury
Imagine inhaling the fresh scent of a rose after a long winter, driving your convertible for the first time, or indulging in your Yoga practice after a long work day. It is exactly these moments that consumers experience as luxurious. We identified five distinct moments of luxury with distinct experiential qualities, temporal focus and degree of contrast to everyday life.

 1. Von Wallpach, Sylvia, Andrea Hemetsberger, Thyra U. Thomsen and Russel W. Belk (2020), “Moments of Luxury – A Phenomenological View of the Essence of Luxury Experience,” Journal of Business Research, 116, 491-502.

2. Thomsen, Thyra U., Jonas Holmqvist, Sylvia von Wallpach, Andrea Hemetsberger and Russel W. Belk (2020), “Conceptualizing Unconventional Luxury,” Editorial, Journal of Business Research, 116, 441–445.

3. Bauer, Martina, Sylvia von Wallpach and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), “”My little luxury” – A Consumer-centered, Experiential View,” Marketing Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 33(1), 57–66.

4. Hemetsberger, Andrea, von Wallpach, Sylvia and Martina Bauer (2012), “Because I’m Worth It – Luxury and the Construction of Consumers’ Selves,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 483–489.

Russell W. Belk, Martina Bauer, Andrea Hemetsberger, Thyra U. Thomsen, Sylvia von Wallpach 
Consumer Transformation and Consumer Transition
 Consumption objects entail deep meaning for consumers in transition. They serve as important anchors in liminal transitions, as change agents in consiousness transformation, and radically change meaning in first-time transitions, for example to motherhood. In these research projects, we uncover the transformative character of brands in times of transition.

1. Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Melanie Klien (2019), “From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Experiencing Spirituality via Body Transformation,” special issue on ‘Consuming the Spiritual’, Journal of Marketing Management. 35(5-6), 540-564, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2018.1554598 12.

2. Hemetsberger, Andrea, Sylvia von Wallpach and Martina Bauer (2015), “Women in Transition - consumption narratives of first-time motherhood,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 368–373.

3. Hemetsberger, Andrea, Bauer, Martina, von Wallpach, Sylvia and Katrin Broger (2013), “’On transit’ – Changes in Consumer-Brand Relationships During Transition from Student to Professional Life, Marketing Journal of Research and Management, Vol.35 (1), 40–49.

Martina Bauer, Katrin Broger, Andrea Hemetsberger, Maria Kreuzer, Sylvia von Wallpach 
Consumption of Digital Nomads
 Sun, sea, sandals—and work. Nomadic consumers strive for holistic freedom in exotic countries, experiencing cosmopolitanism by following digital careers. Their lifestyle brings forward a novel understanding of how consumption manifests in hypermobile conditions where materiality turns out to be burdensome. The project finds that digital nomads value objects mediating emotional connections to others and other objects across space and time, foregrounding the linking value of materiality. 1. Schwarz, Sarah and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020), "A Luxury Moment to Go, Please: Paradoxes of Luxuriousness Among Cosmopolite Consumers," NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 48, 121–125.

2. Aufschnaiter, Christiane, Sarah Schwarz, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), "Anchors on the Move: Digital Nomads’ Solid Footholds in Liquidity," NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 49, 27–31.

3. Schwarz, Sarah (2021), "‘Going’ Green? Nomadic Consumers’ Paradoxical Journey Toward Sustainability," NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 49, 60–64.

4. Schwarz, Sarah, Christiane Aufschnaiter and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Social Linking Practices in Physical Distance: The Material Constitution of Sociality,” Marketing Theory, DOI: 10.1177/14705931221137732

Christiane Aufschnaiter, Andrea Hemetsberger, Sarah Schwarz
Digital Market Systems 
Can consumers, hashtagged discourse and algorithmic affordances of social media change the fashion market? In these projects we show that fashion discourse changes established market boundaries through sticky webs of connections across social media platforms. 1. Schöps, Jonathan D., Stephanie Kogler, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020), "(De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram–dynamics of visual performative assemblages," Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23 (2), 195–213.

2. Schöps, Jonathan D., Stephanie Kogler, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), "(De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram–dynamics of visual performative assemblages," in Digitalized Markets, edited by Johan Hagberg and Hans Kjellberg, London, UK: Routledge.

3. Schöps, Jonathan D., Christian Reinhardt, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), "Sticky market webs of connection – human and nonhuman market co-codification dynamics across social media," European Journal of Marketing, 56 (13), 78–104.

Andrea Hemetsberger, Stephanie Kogler, Christian Reinhardt, Jonathan D. Schöps
Consumer Identity Projects
 Instagram has many faces. Among those, Instagram's content and visuals work as a source of mythic and symbolic resources for consumers, helping them to construct narratives of identity.

1. Schöps, Jonathan D. (2018), “Consuming Commodified Selves – Accelerated Identity Co-Construction Dynamics Through Fashion Performances on Instagram,” in NA – Advances in Consumer Research, 46, 434–439.

2. Schöps, Jonathan D. (2020), “Consuming Commodified Bodies – Performative (Re-)embodiment of
Digital Corporeal Consumption,” in NA – Advances in Consumer Research, 48, 115–120.

Jonathan D. Schöps 
The Power of Person Brands 
How do person brands co-create brand value with consumers? These research projects consider personification an important and lasting trend in the digital age, and reveal how various personas (e.g. brand leaders, celebrities, staff) acquire brand value in interaction with consumers.  1. Wieser, Verena E., Marius K. Luedicke, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), "Charismatic Entrainment: How Brand Leaders and Consumers Co-Create Charismatic Authority in the Marketplace," Journal of Consumer Research, 48(4), 731-751.

2. Brugger, Teresa and Verena E. Wieser (2021), “The Iconization of Greta Thunberg: The Role of Myths in Co-Creating a Person Brand,” Brand Co-creation: Theory, Practice, and Ethical Implications,” ed. Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach, and Adam Lindgreen, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

3. Wieser, Verena E., Hemetsberger, Andrea, and Marius K. Luedicke (2019), “Protest Rhetoric’s Appeal: How Brands as Moral Entrepreneurs Recruit the Media into Moral Struggles,” The Contested Morality of Markets: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, ed. Simone Schiller-Merkens and Philip Balsiger, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Andrea Hemetsberger, Teresa Brugger, Marius Lüdicke, Verena Wieser 
Co-Creating Consumer (Learning) Experiences
 These research projects investigate how brands, and specifically front-line staff, can assist consumers in learning situations. We consider live-long-learning as mega-trend, and reveal how consumer can overcome learning barriers (that can ultimately turn into consumption barriers) in interaction with brands.   1. Riehle, R., Wieser, V. E., & Woermann, N. (2020). Battling Fear, Building Trust: How Service Providers Manage Emotions When Consumers Fail. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 48, 622-623.

2. Woermann, Niklas, and Verena E. Wieser, (2016), “Consumption Skill Acquisition in Ski
Schools: Towards a Theory of Embodied Learning”, 44th Association for Consumer
Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Ramona Riehle, Verena Wieser, Niklas Woermann 
Leisure-Experience Brands as Consumption Community Platforms
About athletes and spectators.These research projects investigate how leisure experience brands (e.g. events, adventure parks) serve as value creation platforms for various stakeholders, including consumers, workers, and the media. We promote a perspective of brands as community platforms, and reveal how they unite a heterogenous and invidiualized crowd of stakeholders via community practices and emotionality.  1. Grohs, Reinhard, Verena E. Wieser, and Pristach, Matthias (2020), “Value Cocreation at Sport Events,” European Sports Management Quarterly, 20/1, 6987.

2. Riehle, Ramona, Wieser, Verena E., and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), "Service workers as consumers: Addressing the liquid service worker inside brands," CCT Conference, Oregon.

3. Gabl, Sabrina, Stoeckl, Verena E., and Andrea Hemetsberger (2013), “The Two Sides of the Gold Medal: Paradoxes of the Olympic Experience,” 41st Association for Consumer Research
Conference, Chicago, USA.
Sabrina Gabl, Reinhard Grohs, Andrea Hemetsberger, Ramona Riehle, Verena Wieser
Resolving (Emotional) Consumption Barriers
How do consumers deal with negative emotions involved in acts of consumption? These research projects explore how consumers overcome consumption barriers buying into interactive emotion management services (e.g. ski schooling or adventure experiences) or voluntarily accepting health risks involved in acts of mundane consumption. 1. Riehle, Ramona (2021),"Controlling the Uncontrollable: Consumer Voluntary Risk-Taking amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic", NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 49, 55-59.

2. Riehle, R., Wieser, V. E., & Woermann, N. (2020). Battling Fear, Building Trust: How Service Providers Manage Emotions When Consumers Fail. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 48, 622-623.  
Ramona Riehle, Verena Wieser, Niklas Woermann
True Crime Podcast Consumption
 Why are consumer fascinated by stories about horrific crimes? In this research project we aim to unravel female consumers' fascination for contemporary true crime podcasts, such as Zeit Verbrechen or Mordlust.  ongoing project (competitive conference paper currently under review) Stephanie Kogler, Ramona RIehle
Visual Brand Co-Construction in Social Media 
How are brands (visually) co-created in social media? These research projects explore the visual co-construction of brands, particularly in Instagram. We employ the perspective of brands as assemblages and investigate how a well-known lifestyle brand is assembled by visual contributions of diverse actors relevant in brand meaning co-construction, such as brand managers, employees, consumers, and influencers.  1. Kogler, Stephanie (2019), "How Employees Embody the Brand", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 47.

2. Kogler, Stephanie (2018), "How Employees Relate to Their Brand Online: A Critical Visual Analysis of Hollister" in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 46.

3. Kogler, Stephanie, Joonas Rokka, and Andrea Hemetsberger (2017), "Creating Brand Reputation: How Employees Express Their Brand in Social Media Networks", in NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.45 (Abstract).

Andrea Hemetsberger, Stephanie Kogler, Joonas Rokka 
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