HiMAT Thesaurus
The archive for the „ Thesaurus” was compressed (zipped) and deposited at the ZENODO repository (links at end of page). Data is structured according to SKOS. In the RDF folder is a quads (CIDOC_CRM_ext_inc_inv.nq) file with triples for the CIDOC CRM and extensions with inverse properties.
The archive contains the following files and folders:
Root folder:
Document |
Format |
Description |
Readme for Thesaurus.txt |
txt |
Information on files in the archive, fields of text files and graphs of RDF file |
Folder "txt_files":
Document |
Format |
Description |
Thesaurus.tsv |
tab-delimited text in utf8 encoding |
contains information related to skos Concepts (used as E55 Types) |
Folder "RDF":
Document |
Format |
Description |
Thesaurus.nq |
txt (nq quads file) |
Contains triples of the Thesaurus RDF representation (see list in the following graphs enumeration) |
CIDOC_CRM_ext_inc_inv.nq |
txt (nq quads file) |
Contains triples of the Thesaurus RDF representation and CIDOC CRM ontologies |
The following mind map shows the thesaurus with the DARIAH Backbone Thesaurus as top categories.
By clicking on the image, you can access a mind map (MindManager web app) that was created as an additional visualisation of the processed data.
It is recommended to use an up-to-date web browser.
Author(s) |
Gerald Hiebel, Brigit Danthine, Manuel Scherer-Windisch, Markus Staudt, Gert Goldenberg |
Title |
Thesaurus |
Year |
2021 |
Repository |
Zenodo.com |
E.1. + E.2. DOI |
License |
Open Access, Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International |