Univ.-Prof. Katherine Dormandy, DPhil
Head of the Innsbruck Center for Philosophy of Religion (ICPR)
Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice in the Humanities and Law at the University of Innsbruck
Department of Christian Philosophy
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1 (room 108)
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 512 507-85038
Fax: +43 512 507-85099
E-mail: katherine.dormandy@uibk.ac.at
Research Interests
One major focus of my research is the norms of human thought in social settings. Central topics include epistemic authority, religious and worldview disagreement, the epistemological import of first-person narratives, and the role of interpersonal trust.
My research is sensitive to the ways in which implicit and explicit biases affect human reasoning, and to the relevance of culture and social location on the way we think.
Another focus of my research is to apply the tools of philosophy to medicine and medical information science, with an eye toward improving the ways in which medical information systems and databases enable anonymized patient data to be shared and used.