The Faculty of Catholic Theology offers study programmes in Philosophy, Theology and Religious Education: Bachelor, Master, Diploma, Teacher Training and PhD/Doctoral Programmes

Upcoming events
- Tagung: „Sinnfluencing“ im digitalen Zeitalter. Religiöse Bildung im Spannungsfeld pluraler Sinnstiftungen und DeutungsansprüchenDonnerstag, 27. Februar 2025, 9:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
- Eucharistiefeier zur SemestereröffnungMontag, 3. März 2025, 11:00 Uhr
- Öffentliche Defensiones (Diplom-, Master, Doktorats-, PhD-Studium)Dienstag, 4. März 2025, ab 9:00 Uhr
- Ringvorlesung Spiritualität: Spirituelle Anstöße aus dem Alten Testament – interdisziplinärDienstag, 11. März 2025, 18:30 Uhr
- Ringvorlesung Spiritualität: Psychologie und SpiritualitätDienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:30 Uhr
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Study programmes
Catholic Theology
The Diploma Programme in Catholic Theology provides a comprehensive and specialised education in theology. [more]
Catholic Religious Education
The students of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education acquire practice-oriented basic knowledge in theology with a focus on education and pastoral care. [more]
Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
DThe Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Philosophy at Faculties of Catholic Theology provides basic education in philosophy, including classic and scholastic traditions as well as contemporary philosophies, focusing on fundamental questions of religion facing humanity. [more]
Philosophy of Religion
The English-language Master‘s program Philosophy of Religion trains students in the skills needed to analyse religious and other worldviews. [more]