Naturwerkstein und Denkmalpflege in Tirol. Stein als Baustoff, Forschungsobjekt und Kulturgut.
Recent publications in refereed journals
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Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Cereda, Susanna; Goldenberg, Gert; Staudt, Markus; Tropper, Peter (2025): Of Fire and Water Microarchaeological Evidence of Mining, Rituals and Floods in North Tyrol's Kropfsberg Mine (Austria).
In: Geoarchaeology - An International Journal 40/1, No. e22033. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Braun, Doris; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Liu, Hang; Leiting, Sebastian; Weidenthaler, Claudia (2025): Mechanochemical synthesis and transformation of the polymorphic double carbonates fairchildite and buetschliite, (K2Ca(CO3)2): an in situ X-ray powder diffraction study.
In: RSC Mechanochemistry 2/1, pp. 152 - 158. (DOI) (Web link) -
Aulbach, Sonja; Gies, Nils B.; Linckens, Jolien; Stalder, Roland; Viljoen, Fanus (2024): Inhibited hydrogen uptake in metasomatised cratonic eclogite.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179/8, No. 77. (DOI) (Web link) -
Brunner, A.; Unterberger, S.H.; Auer, H.; Hautz, T.; Schneeberger, S.; Stalder, R.; Badzoka, J.; Kappacher, C.; Huck, C.W.; Pallua, J.D. (2024): Suitability of Fourier transform infrared microscopy for the diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in human tissue sections.
In: Journal of Biophotonics 17/6, No. e202300513. (DOI) (Web link) -
Cornard, Pauline; Degenhart, Gerald; Tropper, Peter; Moernaut, Jasper; Strasser, Michael (2024): Application of micro-CT to resolve textural properties and assess primary sedimentary structures of deep-marine sandstones.
In: Depositional Record 10/5, pp. 559 - 580. (DOI) (Web link) -
Freilinger, Johanna; Gelbrich, Thomas; Braun, Doris E; Griesser, Ulrich J; Bakry, Rania; Kahlenberg, Volker; Müller, Thomas; Kreutz, Christoph; Nerdinger, Sven; Kliri, Lukas; Schottenberger, Herwig (2024): Ammonium 6:2 Fluorotelomer Sulfonate: Crystal Structure, Thermal Analysis and Use as Internal Standard in PFAS Analysis.
In: Journal Of Molecular Structure 1327, No. 141232. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Nejbert, K; Vapnik Y (2024): Gorerite, CaAlFe11O19, a new mineral of the magnetoplumbite group from the Negev Desert, Israel.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 88/4, pp. 451 - 460. (DOI) (Web link) -
Gild-Haselwarter, C.; Meyer, M.; Geitner, C.; Haas, J.N.; Vranjes-Wessely, S.; Hejny, C.; Kofler, W.; Krainer, K.; Remias, D.; Szidat, S.; Sanders, D. (2024): Dynamic landscape response to Younger Dryas and earliest Holocene cooling events in the European Eastern Alps (Austria).
In: Quaternary Science Reviews 344, No. 108959. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hauzenberger, CA; Konzett, J; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Nguyen, H (2024): Pliocene to Pleistocene REE-P metasomatism in the subcontinental lithosphere beneath southast Asia - evidence from a monazite- and REE-rich apatite-bearing peridote xenolith from central Vietnam.
In: Journal of Petrology 65/3, No. egae015. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hector, S; Patten, CGC; Beranoaguirre, A; Lanari, P; Kilias, S; Nomikou, P; Peillod, A; Eiche, E; Kolb, J (2024): Magmatic evolution of the Kolumbo submarine volcano and its implication to seafloor massive sulfide formation.
In: Mineralium Deposita 59, pp. 1229 - 1248. (DOI) (Web link) -
Joachim-Mrosko, B; Konzett, J; Ludwig, T; Griffiths, T; Habler, G; Libowitzky, E; Stalder, R (2024): Al and H incorporation and Al-diffusion in natural rutile and its high-pressure polymorph TiO2(II).
In: Geological Society Special Publication 537, pp. 123 - 147. (DOI) (Web link) -
Jollands, Michael C.; Jin, Shiyun; Jones, Daniel C.; Stalder, Roland (2024): H diffusion in Mg- and Be- doped ⍺Al2O3 (corundum) single crystals.
In: Solid State Ionics 418/12, No. 116730. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Cametti, G; Ternes, B; Blaβ, G (2024): Karlleuite Ca2MnO4 – a first mineral with the Ruddlesden-Popper type structure from Bellerberg volcano, Germany.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 118/4, pp. 569 - 580. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Krüger, H; Garber, S; Krüger, B; Libowitzky, E; Kröll, S; Hofer, TS; Gallmetzer, JM; Purtscher, FRS (2024): K0.72Na1.71Ca5.79Si6O19 – the first oligosilicate based on [Si6O19]-hexamers and its stability compared to cyclosilicates.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science 8/5, No. B80. (DOI) (Web link) -
Liu, Hang; Krammer, hans; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Hejny, Clivia; Dachs, Edgar; Benisek, Artur (2024): K8CaSi10O25 – Synthesis, in-situ high-temperature single-crystal diffraction and heat capacity.
In: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 334, p. No 124668. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lotti, Paolo; Gatta, Diego; Gigli, Lara; Krüger, Hannes; Kahlenberg, Volker; Meven, Martin; Comboni, Davide; Milani, Sula; Merlini, Marco; Liermann, Hans-Peter (2024): Thermal and combined high-temperature and high-pressure behavior of a natural intermediate scapolite.
In: American Mineralogist 109/2, pp. 243 - 254. (DOI) (Web link) -
Mohammadi, Asghar; Hejny, Clivia; Kahlenberg, Volker; Gallmetzer, Josef M.; Purtscher, Felix R.; Hofer, Thomas S.; Heggen, Marc; Bekheet, Maged F.; Penner, Simona (2024): Copper-perovskite interfacial engineering to boost deNOx activity.
In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 498, No. 155425. (DOI) (Web link) -
Mohammadi, Asghar; Thurner, Christoph; Haug, Leander; Bekheet, Maged; Müller, Julian; Gurlo, Aleksander; Hejny, Clivia; Nezhad, Parastoo Delir Kheyrollahi; Winkler, Daniel; Riedel, Wiebke; Penner, Simon (2024): How defects in lanthanum iron manganite perovskite structures promote the catalytic reduction of NO by CO.
In: Materials Today Chemistry 35, No. 101910. (DOI) (Web link) -
Neumann, Andreas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Lerche, Ian; Stöber, Stefan; Pöllmann, Herbert (2024): Synthesis and Characterization of Single Crystal Zircon-Hafnon Zr(1– x)Hf(x)SiO4 Solid Solutions and the Comparison with the Reaction Products of a TEOS-Based Hydrothermal Route.
In: ACS Omega 9/14, pp. 15781 - 15803. (DOI) (Web link) -
Pagliaro, Francesco; Comboni, Davide; Battiston, Tommaso; Krüger, Hannes; Hejny, Clivia; Kahlenberg, Volker; Gigli, Lara; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Liermann, Hanns-Peter; Garbarino, Gaston; Gatta, Diego Giacomo; Lotti, Paolo (online first): Comparative thermal and compressional behaviour of natural xenotime-(Y), chernovite-(Y) and monazite-(Ce).
In: Mineralogical Magazine. (DOI) -
Panzer, M; Meindl, E; Schaefer, B; Wagner, S; Glodny, B; Mayer, G; Pircher, A; Schwarz, C; Beckmann, F; Hejny, C; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Konzett, J; Tilg, H; Heidegger, I; Wolf, M; Weiskirchen, R; Zoller, H (2024): Intravenous iron-induced hypophosphatemia and kidney stone disease.
In: Bone Reports 21, p. No 101759. (DOI) (Web link) -
Patten, C.G.C; Hector, S; Kilias, S; Ulrich, M; Peillod, A; Beranoaguirre, A; Nomikou, P; Eiche, E; Kolb, J (2024): Transfer of sulfur and chalcophile metals via sulfide-volatile compound drops in the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field.
In: Nature Communications 15, No. 4968. (DOI) (Web link) -
Pausch, T; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Withers, AC; Ludwig, T; Vazhakuttiyakam, J; Konzett, J (2024): The role of calcium phosphates and silicates in the storage and transport of phosphorus at the upper-to-lower mantle transition: an experimental study to 25 GPa ina model perioditic bulk composition.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 374, p. 2002016. (DOI) (Web link) -
Peillod, A; Patten, CGC; Drüppel, K; Beranoaguirre, A; Zeh, A; Gudelius, D; Kolb, J; et al (2024): Disruption of a high‐pressure unit during exhumation: Example of the Cycladic Blueschist unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos islands, Greece).
In: Journal Of Metamorphic Geology 42/2, pp. 225 - 255. (DOI) (Web link) -
Peng, E; Kolb, J; Walter, BF; Frenzel, M; Patten, CGC; Xu, D; Wang, Z (2024): New Insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Evidence from sphalerite mineralogy and muscovite 40Ar-39Ar dating.
In: Ore Geology Reviews 162, No. 105667. (DOI) (Web link) -
Salzmann, M.F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Krüger, B.; Krüger, H.; Grabowski, J. (2024): Ca2.68Fe10.32Si1.00O20 - a strongly disordered SFCA-related phase in the system CaO-Fe2O3-SiO2.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 118, pp. 485 - 499. (DOI) (Web link) -
Teichtmeister, Tobias A.; Widmann, I.; Bayarjargal, L.; Tribus, M.; Heymann, G.; Wurst, K.; Huppertz, Hubert (2024): High-pressure/High-Temperature Synthesis of LnB3.6O7 (Ln = La, Pr) – Two Unique Lanthanoid Borates in a Defective α-SrB4O7-Structure-Type.
In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 27/4, No. e202300555. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Widmann, Ingo; Kinik, Gülsüm; Jähnig, Maximilian; Glaum, Robert; Schwarz, Marcus; Wüstefeld, Christina; Johrendt, Dirk; Tribus, Martina; Hejny, Clivia; Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren; Dubrovinsky, Leonid; Heymann, Gunter; Suta, Markus; Huppertz, Hubert (2024): Real Competitors to Ruby: The Triel Oxonitridoborates AlB4O6N, Al0.97Cr0.03B4O6N, and Al0.83Cr0.17B4O6N.
In: Advanced Functional Materials 34/28, No. 2400054. (DOI) (Web link) -
Winterstein, Thomas; Malleier, Christoph; Klötzer, Bernhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Hejny, Clivia; Bekheet, Maged; Müller, Julian; Gurlo, Aleksander; Heggen, Marc; Penner, Simon (2024): Molybdate-based double perovskite materials in methane dry reforming.
In: Materials Today Chemistry 41, No. 102255. (DOI) (Web link) -
Akkuş-Dağdeviren, Z.B.; Fürst, A.; Friedl, J.D.; Tribus, M.; Bernkop-Schnürch, A. (2023): Nanoarchitectonics of Layer-by-Layer (LbL) coated nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) for Enzyme-Triggered charge reversal.
In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 629/Part A, pp. 541 - 553. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Aulbach, Sonja; Stalder, Roland; Massuyeau, Malcom; Stern, Richard; Ionov, Dimitri; Korsakov, Andrey (2023): Water in Omphacite and Garnet From Pristine Xenolithic
Eclogite: T-X-fO2 Controls, Retentivity, and Implications for
Electrical Conductivity and Deep H2O Recycling.
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24/12, No. e2023GC011170. (DOI) (Web link) -
Benisek, A; Dachs, E; Carpenter, MA; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Vielreicher, NM; Wildner, M (2023): Vibrational entropy of disordering in omphacite.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 50/4, No. 36. (DOI) (Web link) -
Coltat, R; Andreani, M; Patten, CGC; Godard, M; Debret, B; Escartin, J (2023): Origin of Fe‐Ca‐Metasomatism in Exhumed Mantle Rocks at the MARK Area (23° N, ODP Leg 153) and Implications on the Formation of Ultramafic‐Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits.
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24/9, No. e2023GC010894. (DOI) (Web link) -
Dekić, VS; Dekić, BR; Sejmanović, DM; Janićević, S; Krüger, B; Kahlenberg, V; Rodić, MV (2023): The crystal structure of (Z)-3-(1-(2-((E)-4-isopropylbenzylidene)hydrazinyl)ethylidene) chroman-2,4-dione, C21H20N2O3.
In: Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 238/3, pp. 521 - 524. (DOI) (Web link) -
Francuz, J; Djokić, S; Popsavin, M; Rodić, MV; Kojić, V; Krüger, B; Popsavin, V (2023): New Synthetic Approach to Protulactone A and Structural Analogues.
In: Synlett 34, pp. 1699 - 1703. (DOI) (Web link) -
Franke, MG; Schmidt, BC; Stalder, R; Joachim-Mrosko, B (2023): Metamorphic reaction kinetics at anhydrous to water-saturated conditions in the binary MgO-SiO2 system.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178/12, No. 87. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hildebrandt, Elias; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Wagner, Simon; Dinu, Dennis F; Hofer, Thomas S; Liedl, Klaus (2023): Structural and computational studies on a quenchable high-temperature polymorph of magnesium tungstate (MgWO4-II).
In: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 327, No. 124269. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Galuskina, I; Krüger, B; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Kahlenberg, V; Galuskin, E (2023): Minerals with a palmierite-type structure. Part I. Mazorite Ba3(PO4)2, a new mineral from the Hatrurim Complex in Israel.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 87/5, pp. 679 - 689. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Krüger, H; Galuskina, I (2023): Minerals with a palmierite-type structure. Part II. Nomenclature and classification of the palmierite supergroup.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 87/5, pp. 690 - 694. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V. (2023): Concerning the incorporation of potassium in the crystal structure of combeite (Na2Ca2Si3O9).
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 117, pp. 293 - 306. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kainz, C; Letofsky-Papst, I; Saringer, C; Krüger, H; Stark, A; Schell, N; Pohler, M; Czettl, C. (2023): Oxidation behavior of a cathodic arc evaporated Cr0.69Ta0.20B0.11N coating.
In: Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces And Films 41/2, No. 023102. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Galuskin, EV; Murashko, M (2023): Khurayyimite Ca7Zn4(Si2O7)2(OH)10·4H2O: a mineral with unusual loop-branched sechser single chains.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 117/2 (SI), pp. 191 - 200. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Liu, Hang; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Dachs, Edgar; Benisek, Artur (2023): Investigations on the polymorphism of K4CaSi6O15 at elevated temperatures.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 106/11, pp. 7109 - 7122. (DOI) (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter; Tribus, Martina; Pomella, Hannah; Habler, Gerlinde (2023): The metabasites from the Texel Unit (Austroalpine nappe stack): markers of Cretaceous intracontinental subduction and subsequent collision.
In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft) 116/1, pp. 165 - 179. (DOI) (Web link) -
Zelger, P.; Brunner, A.; Zelger, B.; Willenbacher, E.; Unterberger, S.; Stalder, R.; Huck, C.W.; Willenbacher, W.; Pallua, J.D. (2023): Deep learning analysis of mid-infrared microscopic imaging data for the diagnosis and classification of human lymphomas.
In: Journal of Biophotonics , p. e202300015. (DOI) (Web link) -
Zimmerhofer, Fabian; Krüger, Hannes; Huppertz, Hubert (2023): High-Pressure and High-Temperature Dion-Jacobson Layered Perovskite Polymorphs of KWO3F.
In: Chemistry - A European Journal 29/43, No. e202301098. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Zori, Collee; Fulton, James; Tropper, Peter; Zori, Davide (2023): Glass from the 11th–13th century medieval castle of San Giuliano (Lazio Province, Central Italy).
In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, No. 103731. (DOI) (Web link) -
Angerer, Thomas; Thorne, W; Hagemann, SG; Tribus, M (2022): Iron oxide chemistry supports a multistage hydrothermal genesis of BIF-hosted hematite ore in the Mt. Tom Price and Mt. Whaleback deposits.
In: Ore Geology Reviews 144, No. 104840. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Dinu, Dennis; Bartl, Pit; Quoika, Patrick; Podewitz, Maren; Liedl, Klaus; Grothe, Hinrich; Loerting, Thomas (2022): Increase of radiative forcing through mid-IR absorption by stable CO2 dimers?
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 126/19, pp. 2966 - 2975. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Franke, MG; Joachim-Mrosko, B (2022): The effect of fluorine on reaction rim growth dynamics in the ternary CaO-MgO-SiO2 system.
In: American Mineralogist 107/8, pp. 1477 - 1486. (DOI) (Web link) -
Joachim-Mrosko, B; Kawamoto, T; Bureau, H (2022): Experimental and Observational Constraints on Halogen Behavior at Depth.
In: Elements 18, pp. 35 - 40. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Marciniak-Maliszewska, B; Ternes, B (2022): Minerals of the arctite supergroup from the Bellerberg volcano xenoliths, Germany.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 86/6, pp. 929 - 939. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Krüger, H (2022): High-temperature behavior and structural studies on Ca14Al10Zn6O35.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 237/6-7, pp. 219 - 232. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker (2022): Crystal structure of (K1.5Na0.5)Ca3Si3O10.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications 78/7, pp. 727 - 731. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Prosser, Lukas; Salzmann, Michael Francesco; Hejny, Clivia (2022): On the incorporation of strontium into the crystal structure of bredigite: structural effects and phase transition.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 116/2, pp. 151 - 167. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Vinke, Jonathan; Krüger, Hannes; Ito, Sho; Schürmann, Christian (2022): Na2Ca3Si2O8 or γ-Na2Ca6Si4O15? A hybrid approach combining 3D single-crystal electron and powder X-ray diffraction.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 105/11, pp. 6976 - 6988. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Krainer, Karl; Tropper, Peter; Krenn, Kurt; Lucas, Spencer (2022): Occurrence and origin of glauconite in the Cambro-Ordovician Bliss Formation of southern New Mexico and West Texas (U.S.A.).
In: Journal of Sedimentary Research 92/4, pp. 353 - 370. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krenn, Kurt; Konzett, Jürgen; Stalder, Roland (2022): Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the Eastern Alps: A case of variable rare metal enrichment during high-grade regional metamorphic. III: Fluid inclusions as potential indicator for anatectic pegmatite parent melt formation.
In: Canadian Mineralogist 60/1, pp. 155 - 169. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krzątała, A; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Vapnik, Ye; Galuskin, E (2022): Bennesherite, Ba2Fe2+Si2O7– a new melilite group mineral from the Hatrurim Basin, Negev 2Desert, Israel.
In: American Mineralogist 107/1, pp. 138 - 146. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lamprecht, Roman; Goldenberg, Gert; Staudt, Markus; Tropper, Peter (2022): Stone Tools from Prehistoric Mining Sites in North Tyrol, Austria: Typology - Terminology - Material Properties.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 26/2, pp. 141 - 164. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Németh, P.; Töchterle, P.; Dublyansky, Y.; Stalder, R.; Molnár, Z.; Klébert, S.; Spötl, C. (2022): Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite.
In: American Mineralogist 107/10, pp. 1960 - 1967. (DOI) (Web link) -
Neuner, Sandro; Schwartz, Heidi A.; Kreutz, Christoph; Müller, Thomas; Mayer, Paul; Bonn, Günther; Gelbrich, Thomas; Griesser, Ulrich J.; Wurst, Klaus; Kahlenberg, Volker; Nerdinger, Sven; Schottenberger, Herwig (2022): 2-Arylazoimidazoles revamped by quaternization or dimerization; another gain in functionality of an industrial dyestuff family by task-specific side-chain substituents.
In: Heterocycles 105/1, pp. 461 - 476. (DOI) (Web link) -
Partl, Gabriel; Rauter, Marcus; Fliri, Lukas; Gelbrich, Thomas; Kreutz, Christoph; Müller, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Nerdinger, Sven; Schottenberger, Herwig (2022): A Fluoroponytailed NHC–Silver Complex Formed from Vinyl-imidazolium/AgNO3 under Aqueous–Ammoniacal Conditions.
In: Molecules 27/13, No. 4137. (DOI) (Web link) -
Pickard, Harvey; Palk, Emeliana; Schönbächler, Maria; Rebekah, Moore; Coles, Barry; Kreissig, Katharina; Nilsson-Kerr, Katrina; Hammond, Samantha; Takazawa, Eiichi; Hemond, Christophe; Tropper, Peter; Barfod, Dan; Rehkämper, Mark (2022): The cadmium and zinc isotopic compositions of the silicate earth - implications for terrestrial volatile accretion.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 338, pp. 165 - 180. (DOI) (Web link) -
Pomella, Hannah; Costantini, Daniel; Aichholzer, Paul; Reiser, Martin; Schuster, Ralf; Tropper, Peter (2022): Petrological and geochronological investigations on the individual nappes of the Meran-Mauls nappe stack (Austroalpine unit / South Tyrol, Italy).
In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft) 115/1, pp. 15 - 40. (DOI) (Web link) -
Radulović, Niko; Sejmanović, Dragana; Ristić, Milenko; Dekić, Vidoslav; Krüger, Biljana; Kahlenberg, Volker; Rodić, Marko (2022): The crystal structure of 3-(1-(2-((5-methylthiophen-2-yl)methylene)hydrazinyl)ethylidene)chroman-2,4-dione, C17H14N2O3S.
In: Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 237/5, pp. 775 - 777. (DOI) (Web link) -
Rodić, MV; Radanović, MM; Gazdić, DV; Leovac, VM; Holló, BB; Raičević, V; Belošević, SK; Krüger, B; Vojinović-Ješić, LjS (2022): Reactions of copper(II) bromide with 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(phenyl-hydrazone) (L) – Molecular and crystal structure of L and its mixed-valence complex [CuIIL2][CuI2Br4].
In: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 87/3, pp. 307 - 320. (DOI) (Web link) -
Zimmerhofer, Fabian; Netzer, Felix; Tribus, Martina; Huppertz, Hubert (2022): Crystal structure determination and characterization of Sm3SiO5F3.
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 77/9, pp. 657 - 665. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Hagemann, SG; Walde, DHG (2021): Diagenetic and supergene ore forming processes in the iron formation of the Neoproterozoic Jacadigo Group, Corumbá, Brazil.
In: Journal of South American Earth Sciences 105, No. 102902. (DOI) (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Melcher, F; Onuk, P; Tropper, P; Volgger, A; Gasteiger, P (2021): High-Tech-Metalle in ostalpinen Buntmetallsulfidvorkommen: geologische Faktoren ihrer Anreicherung, Verteilung und Mobilisation (drei MRI-Projekte 2015–2019).
In: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte 166, pp. 181 - 192. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, Doris; Hald, Patricia; Kahlenberg, Volker; Griesser, Ulrich J (2021): Expanding the Solid Form Landscape of Bipyridines.
In: Crystal Growth & Design 21/12, pp. 7201 - 7217. (DOI) (Web link) -
Consuma, Giulia; Aulbach, Sonja; Braga, Roberto; Martin, Laure; Tropper, Peter; Gerdes, Axel; Fiorentini, Marco (2021): Multi-stage sulfur and carbon mobility in fossil continental subduction zones: new insights from carbonate-bearing orogenic peridotites.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 306, pp. 143 - 170. (DOI) (Web link) -
Dabic, Pedja; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Biljana; Rodic, Marko; Kovac, Sabina; Blanusa, Jovan; Zaglicic, Zvonko; Karanovic, Llijana; Petricek, Vaclav; Kremenovic, Aleksandar (2021): Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic properties of K3YbSi2O7.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science B77, pp. 584 - 593. (DOI) (Web link) -
Fliri, Lukas; Gelbrich, Thomas; Griesser, Ulrich; Partl, Gabriel; Purtscher, Felix; Neuner, Sandro; Erharter, Kevin; Wurst, Klaus; Kahlenberg, Volker; Braun, Doris; Hofer, Thomas; Rössler, Albert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2021): N,N‐Dimethoxyimidazolium Derivatives as Ion Pair Constituents of Energetic Redox Couples: Model Studies by Thermal Analysis and Crystallography.
In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 647/4, pp. 365 - 376. (DOI) (Web link) -
Friedl, J.D.; Jörgensen, A.M.; Le-Vinh, B.; Braun, D.E.; Tribus, M.; Bernkop-Schnürch, A. (2021): Solidification of self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS): Impact on storage stability of a therapeutic protein.
In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 584, pp. 684 - 697. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, E; Galuskina, I; Krüger, B; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Krzatala, A; Srodek, D; Zielinski, G (2021): Nomenclature and Classification of the Arctite Supergroup. Aravaite, Ba2Ca18(SiO4)6[(PO4)3(CO3)]F3O, a New Arctite Supergroup Mineral from Negev Desert, Israel.
In: Canadian Mineralogist 59, pp. 191 - 209. (DOI) (Web link) -
Gliganic, L. A.; Meyer, M. C.; May, J.-H.; Aldenderfer, M. S.; Tropper, P. (2021): Direct dating of lithic surface artefacts using luminescence.
In: Science Advances 7/23, No. eabb3424. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hencz, Matyas; Biro, Tamas; Kovacs, Istvan; Stalder, Roland; Nemeth, Karoly; Szakacs, Alexandru; Palos, Zsofia; Pecskay, Zoltan; Karatson, David (2021): Uniform ’water’ content in quartz phenocrysts from silicic pyroclastic fallout deposits – implications on pre-eruptive conditions.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33/5, pp. 571 - 589. (DOI) (Web link) -
Herrmann, A.D.; Haynes, J.T.; Robinet, R.M.; Konzett, J.; Emerson, N. (2021): Insights into the tectonostratigraphic setting of the Southern Appalachians during the Blountian Tectophase from an integrated geochemical analysis of magmatic phenocrysts in the Ordovician Deicke K-bentonite.
In: Lithos 398-399, No. 106301. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Tribus, Martina (2021): Structural systematics of SFCA-I type solid-solutions in the system CaO–Fe2O3–FeO–Al2O3.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 48/7, No. 25. (Full-text) (DOI) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Tribus, Martina; Anwander, Benedikt (2021): SFCA-II type Ca2.46Fe3+8.57 Fe2+0.52Al5.45O24 – an improved structural model for an iron-ore sinter phase.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 115, pp. 137 - 147. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y (2021): Kahlenbergite KAl11O17, a new β-alumina mineral and Fe-rich hibonite from the Hatrurim Basin, the Negev desert, Israel.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33/4, pp. 341 - 355. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Liu, Hang; Hildebrandt, Elias; Krammer, Hans; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Schottenberger, Herwig (2021): K4CaSi6O15 – solving a 90 years old riddle.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 104/12, pp. 6678 - 6695. (DOI) (Web link) -
Selb, Elisabeth; Buttlar, Toni; Janka, Oliver; Tribus, Martina; Ebbinghaus, Stefan G.; Heymann, Gunter (2021): Multianvil high-pressure/high-temperature synthesis and characterization of magnetoelectric HP-Co3TeO6.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9/16, pp. 5486 - 5496. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Spötl, C.; Dublyansky, Y.; Koltai, G.; Honiat, C.; Plan, L.; Angerer, T. (2021): Stable isotope imprint of hypogene speleogenesis: Lessons from Austrian caves.
In: Chemical Geology 572, Nr. 120209. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Staudt, Markus; Bader, Maria; Eß, Lisa Maria; Lueger, Daniel; Oettel, Lena Sigrid; Tropper, Peter; Trebsche, Peter (2021): Eine Werksiedlung aus der Bronze- und Eisenzeit bei Kundl (Nordtirol). Vorbericht über die Ausgrabungen 2018–2019 in der Schottergrube Wimpissinger.
In: Archaeologia Austriaca 105, pp. 249 - 282. (Web link) -
Stöger, B; Krüger, H; Weil, M (2021): Mg(H2O)2[TeO2(OH)4]: a polytypic structure with a two-mode disordered stacking arrangement.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science B77, pp. 605 - 623. (DOI) (Web link) -
Vitzthum, Daniela; Widmann, Ingo; Wimmer, Daniel S.; Wurst, Klaus; Joachim-Mrosko, Bastian; Huppertz, Hubert (2021): Crystal Structure of c-M5B12O25(OH) (M=Al, Al/Ga, Ga/In) – Three Disordered Cubic Trielborates Synthesized under High-Pressure Conditions.
In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 12, pp. 1165 - 1174. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Willenbacher, Ella; Brunner, Andrea; Zelger, Bettina; Unterberger, Seraphin H.; Stalder, Roland; Huck, Christian W.; Willenbacher, Wolfgang; Pallua, Johannes D. (2021): Application of mid-infrared microscopic imaging for the diagnosis and classification of human lymphomas.
In: Journal of Biophotonics 14/9, Nr. e202100079. (DOI) (Web link) -
Ziegler, Raimund; Tribus, Martina; Hejny, Clivia; Heymann, Gunter (2021): Single-Crystal Structure of HP-Sc2TeO6 Prepared by High-Pressure/High-Temperature Synthesis.
In: Crystals 11/12, No. 1554. (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, Doris; Gelbrich, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Griesser, Ulrich (2020): The eight hydrates of strychnine hydrate.
In: Crystal Growth & Design 20/9, pp. 6069 - 6083. (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, Doris; Lampl, Martin; Kahlenberg, Volker; Wurst, Klaus; Schottenberger, Herwig; Hummel, Michael; Griesser, U (2020): 2-Mercaptoimidazolium halides: structural diversity, stability and spontaneous racemisation.
In: CrystEngComm 22/36, pp. 6034 - 6046. (DOI) (Web link) -
Clay, PL; Joy, KH; O'Driscoll, B; Busemann, H; Ruzie-Hamilton, L; Burgess, R; Fellowes, J; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Pernet-Fisher, J; Strekopytov, S; Ballentine CJ (2020): Heavy halogen geochemistry of martian shergottite meteorites and implications for the halogen composition of the depleted shergottite mantle source.
In: American Mineralogist 105/3, pp. 289 - 306. (DOI) (Web link) -
Consuma, G; Braga, R; Giovanardi, T; Bersani, D; Konzett, J; Lugli, F; Mazzucchelli, M; Tropper, P (2020): In situ Sr isotope analysis of mantle carbonates: Constraints on the evolution and sources of metasomatic carbon-bearing fluids in a paleo-collisional setting.
In: Lithos 354-355, No. 105334. (DOI) (Web link) -
Duuring, P; Angerer, T; Hagemann, SG; Banks, DA (2020): Iron deposits hosted by banded iron-formations in the Yilgarn Craton: Products of sequential iron enrichment by magmatic, marine and meteoric fluids.
In: Ore Geology Reviews 116, No. 103251. (DOI) (Web link) -
Duuring, P; Santos, JOS; Fielding, IOH; Ivanic, TJ; Hagemann, SG; Angerer, Thomas; Lu, YJ; Roberts, M; Choi, J (2020): Dating hypogene iron mineralization events in Archean BIF at Weld Range, Western Australia: insights into the tectonomagmatic history of the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton.
In: Mineralium Deposita 55, pp. 1307 - 1332. (DOI) (Web link) -
Fliri, Lukas; Neuner, Sandro; Lampl, Martin; Partl, Gabriel; Kopacka, Holger; Wurst, Klaus; Gelbrich, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Nerdinger, Sven; Schottenberger, Herwig (2020): 2-Bromo-1,3-di(methoxy)imidazolium Tribromide as Starting Salt for 2-Aryl- and 2-Heteroaryl mercapto Derivatives.
In: Heterocycles 100/3, pp. 399 - 417. (DOI) (Web link) -
Fuchs, Birgit; Heymann, Gunter; Wang, Xuefei; Tudi, Abudukadi; Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren; Siegel, Renée; Schmutzler, Adrian; Senker, Jürgen; Joachim-Mrosko, Bastian; Saxer, Andreas; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie; Huppertz, Hubert (2020): La3B6O13(OH): The First Acentric High-Pressure Borate Displaying Edge-Sharing BO4 Tetrahedra.
In: Chemistry - A European Journal 26/30, pp. 6851 - 6861. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Gelbrich, T.; Kahlenberg, V.; Adamer, V.; Nerdinger, S.; Griesser, U.J. (2020): Febuxostat ethanol monosolvate.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications E76, pp. 816 - 819. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Gelbrich, Thomas; Lampl, Martin; Laus, Gerhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2020): Synthesis and crystal structures of two 1,3-di(alkyloxy)-2-(methylsulfanyl)imidazolium tetrafluoridoborates.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications E76, pp. 552 - 556. (DOI) (Web link) -
Greer, J; Caro, G; Cates, NL; Tropper, P; Bleeker, W; Kelly, NM; Mojzsis, SJ (2020): Widespread poly-metamorphosed Archean granitoid gneisses and supracrustal enclaves of the southern Inukjuak Domain, Québec (Canada).
In: Lithos 364-365, No. 105520. (DOI) (Web link) -
Gstir, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes; Penner, Simon (2020): Synthesis and crystal structure of ABW-type SrFe1.40V0.60O4.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications 76, pp. 664 - 667. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Czaja, M; Lisiecki, R; Krüger, B; Hachuta, B; Galuskina, I (2020): Spectroscopic and structural investigations of blue afwillite Ma'ale Adummim locality, Palestinian Autonomy.
In: Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 227, No. 117688. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Krüger, H; Tribus, M; Kürsten, C (2020): Raman Spectroscopy and Single-Crystal High-Temperature Investigations of Bentorite, Ca6Cr2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O.
In: Minerals 10/1, No. 38. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, E (2020): Siwaqaite, Ca6Al2(CrO4)3(OH)12 · 26H2O, a new mineral of the ettringite group from the pyrometamorphic Daba-Siwaqa complex, Jordan.
In: American Mineralogist 105/3, pp. 409 - 421. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krzątała, A; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Vapnik, Ye; Galuskin, E (2020): Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel.
In: Minerals 10/5, No. 407. (DOI) (Web link) -
Le, Nguyet-Minh Nguyen; Steinbring, Christian; Baus, Randi Angela; Matuszczak, Barbara; Tribus, Martina; Pham, Tung; Bechtold, Thomas; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas (2020): Grafting of wool fibers through disulfide bonds: An advanced application of S-protected thiolated starch.
In: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 147, pp. 473 - 481. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lo Po, D; Braga, R; Tropper, P; Konzett, J; Mair, V; Bargossi, GM (2020): Polymineralic inclusions as tracers of multistage metasomatism in a paleo mantle wedge.
In: Lithos 364-365, No. 105517. (DOI) (Web link) -
Mirwald, PW; Paulini, P; Hutzler, T (2020): Differential volumetric analysis combined with monitoring of differential ultra-sound travel time, an approach for tracing fine-structural compression behaviour of solids: a study on MgO/periclase and polyethylene/PE up to 1.5 GPa at room temperature.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47, No. 26. (DOI) (Web link) -
Potrafke, Alexander; Breiter, Karel; Ludwig, Thomas; Neuser, Rolf Dieter; Stalder, Roland (2020): Variations of OH defects and chemical impurities in natural quartz within igneous bodies.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47, No. 24. (DOI) (Web link) -
Schwestermann, Tobias; Huang, Jyh-Jaan; Konzett, Jürgen; Kioka, Arata; Wefer, Gerolf; Ikehara, K.; Moernaut, Jasper; Eglinton, Tim I.; Strasser, Michael (2020): Multivariate statistical and multiproxy constraints on earthquake-triggered sediment remobilization processes in the central Japan Trench.
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21/6, No. e2019GC008861. (DOI) (Web link) -
Vitzthum, Daniela; Widmann, Ingo; Plank, Markus; Joachim-Mrosko, Bastian; Huppertz, Hubert (2020): High-pressure synthesis and crystal structure of HP-Al2B3O7(OH).
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 75/11, pp. 975 - 981. (DOI) (Web link) -
Akkus, Z.B.; Nazir, I.; Jalil, A.; Tribus, M.; Bernkop-Schnürch, A. (2019): Zeta Potential Changing Polyphosphate Nanoparticles: A Promising Approach To Overcome the Mucus and Epithelial Barrier.
In: Molecular Pharmaceutics 16/6, pp. 2817 - 2825. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Edkins, Katharina; McIntyre, Garry; Wilkinson, Clive; Kahlenberg, Volker; Többens, Daniel; Griesser, Ulrich; Brüning, Jürgen; Schmidt, Martin; Steed, Jonathan (2019): Extensive Sequential Polymorphic Interconversion in the Solid State: Two Hydrates and Ten Anhydrous Phases of Hexamidine Diisethionate.
In: Crystal Growth & Design 19/12, pp. 7280 - 7289. (DOI) (Web link) -
Ertl, Andreas; Topa, Dan; Giester, Gerald; Rossman, George R.; Tillmanns, Ekkehart; Konzett, Jürgen (2019): Sr-bearing high-pressure tourmaline from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 31/4, pp. 791 - 798. (DOI) -
Frigo, Corinne; Stalder, Roland; Ludwig, Thomas (2019): OH-defects in coesite and stishovite during ultra high-pressure metamorphism of continental crust.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 46/1, pp. 77 - 89. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, E; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Pauluhn, A; Olieric, V (2019): Levantite, KCa3(Al2Si3)O11(PO4), a new latiumite group mineral from pyrometamorphic rock of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 83/5, pp. 713 - 721. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hejny, C; Konzett, J; Pippinger, T; Klotz, T; Miletich, R (2019): Pressure-enforced Cr substitution in Cr1+xAl1-xO(SiO4), synthetic analogues of kyanite.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 46/6, pp. 583 - 594. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Jaeger, Dominik; Stalder, Roland; Masago, Hideki; Strasser, Michael (2019): OH defects in quartz as a provenance tool: Application to fluvial and deep marine sediments from SW Japan.
In: Sedimentary Geology 388, pp. 66 - 80. (DOI) (Web link) -
Jalil, A.; Asim, M.H.; Le, N.N.; Laffleur, F.; Matuszczak, B.; Tribus, M.; Bernkop-Schnürch, A. (2019): S-protected gellan gum: Decisive approach towards mucoadhesive antimicrobial vaginal films.
In: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130, pp. 148 - 157. (DOI) (Web link) -
Joachim, B; Heinrich, W; Höschen, C; Abart, R (2019): The effect of H2O fluid on relative component mobilities in a bimineralic reaction rim in the system CaO–MgO–SiO2.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 31/1, pp. 61 - 72. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V (2019): Re-investigation and correct symmetry of Ca3CoAl4O10.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications E75, pp. 214 - 217. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Albrecht, R; Schmidmair, D; Krüger, H; Krüger, B; Tribus, M; Pauluhn, A (2019): Structural studies on Ca3Al4MgO10(C3A2M)-A ternary phase in the system CaO-Al2O3-MgO.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 102, pp. 2084 - 2093. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Gakuskina, I; Krüger, B; Pauluhn, A; Galuskin, E (2019): Structural investigations on bredigite from the Hatrurim Complex.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 113/2, pp. 261 - 272. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Hejny, C; Krüger, H (2019): Thermal expansion and compressibility of Ca3Al4 ZnO10 – an unusual tetrahedral framework structure.
In: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 276, pp. 319 - 330. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Krüger, H; Goettgens, VS (2019): Structural elucidation of triclinic and monoclinic SFCA-III - killing two birds with one stone.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science B75, pp. 1126 - 1136. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; de Villiers, Johan P. R.; Odendaal, Dirk; Krüger, Hannes; Song, Shengqiang; Nath, Mithun (2019): A new ternary phase in the system CaO–Al2O3–Cr2O3: Crystal structure and thermal expansion of CaAl2Cr2O7.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 102/11, pp. 6968 - 6979. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Konzett, J; Hauzenberger, C; Krenn, K; Joachim-Mrosko, B; Stalder, R; Gröbner, K; Sieberer, AK; Hoang, N; Khoi, NN (2019): Neogene Metasomatism in the Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath SE Asia — Evidence from Modal and Cryptic Phosphorus Enrichment in Peridotites and Pyroxenites from Southern Laos.
In: Journal of Petrology 60/12, pp. 2413 - 2448. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kovac, Sabina; Dabic, Predrag; Kremenovic, Aleksandar; Pacevski, Aleksandar; Karanovic, Ljiiljana; Rodic, Marko V; Tribus, Martina (2019): POLYHEDRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COSALITE-TYPE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES.
In: Canadian Mineralogist 57/5, pp. 647 - 662. (DOI) -
Lampl, Martin; Schlapp-Hackl, Inge; Wurst, Klaus; Gelbrich, Thomas; Kopacka, Holger; Müller, Thomas; Kreutz, Christoph; Naier, Benjamin; Partl, Gabriel Julian; Kahlenberg, Volker; Amer, Hassan; Bacher, Markus; Rosenau, Thomas; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2019): Synthetic and structural studies on pentafluorobenzylated imidazole systems.
In: Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 218, pp. 51 - 62. (DOI) (Web link) -
Laus, Gerhard; Neuner, Sandro; Metz, Ramona; Müller, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Gelbrich, Thomas; Nerdlinger, Sven; Schreiner, Erwin; Adamer, Verena; Wurst, Klaus; Schottenberger, Herwig (2019): Optimized synthesis and solid state investigations on the drug candidate encenicline hydrochloride.
In: Heterocycles 99/2, pp. 1226 - 1238. (DOI) (Web link) -
Nerdinger, S.; Stefinovic, M.; Richter, F.; Olma, J.; Brysz, M.; Walker, T.; Kahlenberg, V.; Gelbrich, T. (2019): Crystal structure of idelalisib tert-butanol monosolvate dihydrate.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications E75, pp. 414 - 417. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Pálos, Z.; Kovács, I. J.; Karátson, D.; Biro, T.; Sandorne Kovacs, J.; Bertalan, É.; Besnyi, A.; Falus, G.; Fancsik, T.; Tribus, Martina; Aradi, L. E.; Szabo, C.; Wesztergom, V. (2019): On the use of nominally anhydrous minerals as phenocrysts in volcanic rocks: A review including a
case study from the Carpathian–Pannonian Region.
In: Central European Geology 62/1, pp. 119 - 152. (DOI) (Web link) -
Potrafke, Alexander; Stalder, Roland; Schmidt, Burkhard; Ludwig, Thomas (2019): OH defect contents in quartz in a granitic system at 1-5 kbar.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174/12, No. 98. (DOI) (Web link) -
Reiser, MK; Sabau, G; Negulescu, E; Schuster, R; Tropper, P; Fügenschuh, B (2019): Post-Variscan metamorphism in the Apuseni and Rodna Mountains (Romania): evidence from Sm–Nd garnet and U–Th–Pb monazite dating.
In: Swiss Journal of Geosciences 112/1, pp. 101 - 120. (DOI) (Web link) -
Schramm, Christian; Rinderer, Beate; Tessadri, Richard (2019): Synthesis and characterization of hydrophobic, ultra-fine fibres based on an organic–inorganic nanocomposite containing a polyimide functionality.
In: Polymers and Polymer Composites 27/5, pp. 268 - 278. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Selb, Elisabeth; Declara, Lisa; Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren; Podewitz, Maren; Tribus, Martina; Heymann, Gunter (2019): Crystal Structure and Properties of a UV-Transparent High-Pressure Polymorph of Mg3TeO6 with Second Harmonic Generation Response.
In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019/43, pp. 4668 - 4676. (DOI) (Web link) -
Stalder, Roland; von Eynatten, Hilmar; Costamoling, Julian; Potrafke, Alexander; Dunkl, Istvan; Meinhold, Guido (2019): OH in detrital quartz grains as tool for provenance analysis: Case studies on various settings from Cambrian to Recent.
In: Sedimentary Geology 389, pp. 121 - 126. (DOI) (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Kemp, AIS; Hagemann, SG; Witt, WK; Santos, JO; Schindler, C; Villanes, C (2018): Source component mixing controls the variability in Cu and Au endowment along the strike of the Eastern Andean Cordillera in Peru.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, No. 36. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, D.E.; Lampl, M.; Wurst, K.; Kahlenberg, V.; Griesser, U.J.; Schottenberger, H. (2018): Computational and analytical approaches for investigating hydrates: The neat and hydrated solid-state forms of 3-(3-methylimidazolium-1-yl)propanoate.
In: CrystEngComm 20, pp. 7826 - 7837. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Pauluhn, A; Olieric, V (2018): Stracherite, BaCa6(SiO4)2[(PO4)(CO3)]F, the first CO3-bearing intercalated hexagonal antiperovskite from Negev Desert, Israel.
In: American Mineralogist 103/10, pp. 1699 - 1706. (DOI) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Wojdyla, JA; Murashko, M (2018): New mineral with modular structure derived from hatrurite from the pyrometamorphic rocks of theHatrurim Complex: ariegilatite, BaCa12(SiO4)4(PO4)2F2O, from Negev Desert, Israel.
In: Minerals 8/3, No. 109. (DOI) -
Ilyashuk, Boris P.; Ilyashuk, Elena A.; Psenner, Roland; Tessadri, Richard; Koinig, Karin A. (2018): Rock glaciers in crystalline catchments: Hidden permafrost-related threats to alpine headwater lakes.
In: Global Change Biology 24/4, pp. 1548 - 1562. (DOI) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Banasika, K; Vapnik, Y; Galuskina, I (2018): Raman spectroscopy and structural study of baryte-hashemite solid solution from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Israel.
In: Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 205, pp. 582 - 592. (DOI) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, H; Galuskina, I; Krüger, B; Jezak, L; Ternes, B; Wojdyla, J; Krzykawski, T; Pautov, L; Galuskin, E (2018): Sharyginite, Ca3TiFe2O8 , a new mineral from the Bellerberg volcano, Germany.
In: Minerals 8/7, No. 308. (DOI) -
Kahlenberg, V; Mayerl, M J-P; Schmidmair, D; Krüger, H; Tribus, M (2018): Preparation and characterization of Na1.5K0.5Ca6Si4O15(Na1.5K0.5Ca6[SiO4]2[Si2O7]) and Na1.41K0.19Ca2.20Si2O7: two new phases in the system Na2O–K2O–CaO–SiO2.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 30/5, pp. 957 - 966. (DOI) (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Mayerl, Michael Jean-Philippe; Schmidmair, Daniela; Krüger, Hannes; Tribus, Martina (2018): First investigations on the quaternary system Na2O-K2O-CaO-SiO2: synthesis and crystal structure of the mixed alkali calcium silicate K1.08Na0.92Ca6Si4O15.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 112/2, pp. 219 - 228. (Full-text) (DOI) -
Konzett, J; Hauzenberger, C; Ludwig, T; Stalder, R (2018): Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the eastern alps: a case of variable rare metal enrichment during high-grade regional metamorphism. II: pegmatite staurolite as an indicator of anatectic pegmatite parent melt formation - a field and experimental study.
In: Canadian Mineralogist 56/4, pp. 603 - 624. (DOI) (Web link) -
Konzett, J; Schneider, T; Nedyalkova, L; Hauzenberger, C; Melcher, F; Gerdes, A; Whitehouse, M (2018): Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the eastern alps: a case of variable rare-metal enrichment during high-grade regional metamorphism -I: mineral assemblages, geochemical characteristics and emplacement ages.
In: Canadian Mineralogist 56/4, pp. 555 - 602. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krüger, B; Krüger, H; Galuskin, EG; Galuskina, IO; Vapnik, Y; Olieric, V; Pauluhn, A (2018): Aravaite, Ba2Ca18(SiO4)6(PO4)3(CO3)F3O: modular structure and disorder of a new mineral with single and triple antiperovskite layers.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science 74/6, pp. 492 - 501. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lampl, Martin; Laus, Gerhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Wurst, Klaus; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2018): Synthesis and crystal structures of 2-bromo-1,3-dimethylimidazolium iodides.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications 74/4, pp. 497 - 501. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lampl, Martin; Laus, Gerhard; Wurst, Klaus; Kahlenberg, Volker; Gelbrich, Thomas; Nerdinger, Sven; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2018): 2-Functionalized derivatives of 2-bromo-1,3-dimethylimidazole.
In: Heterocycles 97/2, pp. 1116 - 1127. (DOI) (Web link) -
Nerdinger, S; Kuatsjah, E; Hurst, TE; Schlapp-Hackl, I; Kahlenberg, V; Wurst, K; Eltis, LD; Snieckus, V (2018): Bacterial Catabolism of Biphenyls: Synthesis and Evaluation of Analogues.
In: ChemBioChem 19/16, pp. 1771 - 1778. (DOI) -
Petermüller, Benedikt; Neun, Christopher; Stekiel, Michal; Zimmer, Dominik; Tribus, Martina; Wurst, Klaus; Winkler, Björn; Huppertz, Hubert (2018): Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Compressibilities of Mn3−xIr5B2+x (0≤x≤0.5) and Mn2IrB2.
In: Chemistry - A European Journal 24/55, pp. 14679 - 14685. (DOI) -
Raic, S; Mogessie, A; Krenn, K; Hauzenberger, CA; Tropper, P (2018): Deciphering Magmatic and Metasomatic Processes Recorded by Fluid Inclusions and Apatite within the Cu–Ni±PGE-Sulfide Mineralized Bathtub Intrusion of the Duluth Complex, NE Minnesota, USA.
In: Journal of Petrology 59/6, pp. 1167 - 1192. (DOI) -
Rettenwander, D; Redhammer, GJ; Guin, M; Benisek, A; Krüger, H; Guillon, O; Wilkening, M; Tietz, F; Fleig, J. (2018): Arrhenius Behavior of the Bulk Na-Ion Conductivity in Na3Sc2(PO4)3 Single Crystals Observed by Microcontact Impedance Spectroscopy.
In: Chemistry Of Materials 30/5, pp. 1776 - 1781. (DOI) -
Schmädicke, E; Gose, J; Stalder, R (2018): Water in Abyssal Peridotite: Why Are Melt-Depleted Rocks so Water Rich?
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19/6, pp. 1824 - 1843. (DOI) (Web link) -
Schmidmair, D; Kahlenberg, V; Grießer, A (2018): K2CaSi4O10: A novel phase in the ternary system K2O–CaO–SiO2 and member of the litidionite group of crystal structures.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 101/2, pp. 919 - 927. (DOI) -
Selb, Elisabeth; Tribus, Martina; Heymann, Gunter (2018): Single-crystal structure of pyrite-type HP-Pd0.84(1)Se2 prepared by high-pressure/high-temperature synthesis.
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 73/12, pp. 979 - 985. (DOI) -
Tropper, P (2018): Experimental simulation of cantact metamorphism using natural quartzphyllite materials: advantages and pitfalls.
In: Geological Society Special Publication 478, No. SP478.12. (DOI) (Web link) -
Tropper, P; Troitzsch, U; Dachs, E; Benisek, A (2018): Heat capacity measurements of CaAlSiO4F from 5 to 850 K and its standard entropy.
In: American Mineralogist 103/7, pp. 1165 - 1168. (DOI) -
Tropper, P; Wyhlidal, S; Haefeker, UA; Mirwald, PW (2018): An experimental investigation of Na incorporation in cordierite in low P/high T metapelites.
In: Mineralogy And Petrology 112/2, pp. 199 - 217. (DOI) -
Zöll, K; Benisek, A; Dachs, E; Kahlenberg, V; Saxer, A; Tropper, P; Villiers de, J (2018): Stability and calorimetric studies of silico-ferrites of calcium aluminium and magnesium.
In: Journal Of The American Ceramic Society 101/9, pp. 4193 - 4202. (DOI) -
Zöll, K; Kahlenberg, V; Krüger, H; Tropper, P (2018): Investigations on FCAM-III (Ca2.38Mg2.09Fe3+10.61Fe2+1.59Al9.33O36): a new homologue of the aenigmatite structure-type in the system CaO-MgO-Fe2O3-Al2O3.
In: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 258, pp. 307 - 319. (DOI) (Web link) -
Środek, D; Juroszek, R; Krüger, H; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Gazeev, V (2018): New Occurrence of Rusinovite, Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2: Composition, Structure and Raman Data of Rusinovite from Shadil-Khokh Volcano, South Ossetia and Bellerberg Volcano, Germany.
In: Minerals 8/9, No. 399. (DOI) -
Ausserer, F; Velkavrh, I; Voyer, J; Klien, S; Diem, A; Schmidt, J; Tessadri, R; Kahlenberg, V (2017): Morphology and Tribological Behaviour of Amorphous and Crystalline Aluminium Oxide Layers.
In: SOLID STATE PHENOMENA 267, pp. 190 - 194. (DOI) (Web link) -
Barrett, S.; Schmidmair, D.; Spötl, C. (2017): Mineralogical composition of the Baumkirchen lacustrine sequence (Würmian, Inn Valley, Tyrol): provenance and palaeogeographical implications.
In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft) 110/1, pp. 43 - 56. (DOI) -
Biró, Tamas; Kovács, Istvan; Karátson, David; Stalder, Roland; Király, Edit; Falus, György; Fancsik, Tamas; Sándorné, Judit (2017): Evidence for post-depositional diffusional loss of hydrogen in quartz phenocryst fragments within ignimbrites.
In: American Mineralogist 102/7, pp. 1187 - 1201. (DOI) -
Bitterlich, Lukas; Tropper, Peter; Töchterle, Ulrike; Schmidmair, Daniela; Krüger, Hannes; Stopp, Barbara; Schwarz, Anton Stefan (2017): Die Untersuchung kalzinierter Schaf/Ziegen-, Schweine- und Rinderknochen der bronzezeitlichen Brandopferdeponie Weer-Stadlerhof und deren Hoch-T Verhalten.
In: Geo.Alp. Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck und des Naturmuseums Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bozen/Bolzano 12, pp. 5 - 22. (Web link) -
Braun, D. E.; Kahlenberg, V.; Griesser, U. J. (2017): Experimental and Computational Hydrate Screening: Cytosine, 5-Flucytosine, and Their Solid Solution.
In: Crystal Growth & Design 17/8, pp. 4347 - 4364. (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, D. E.; Krueger, H.; Kahlenberg, V.; Griesser, U. J. (2017): Molecular Level Understanding of the Reversible Phase Transformation between Forms III and II of Dapsone.
In: Crystal Growth & Design 17/10, pp. 5054 - 5060. (DOI) (Web link) -
Braun, D.E.; Raabe, K.; Schneeberger, A.; Kahlenberg, V.; Griesser, U.J. (2017): New Insights into Solid Form Stability and Hydrate Formation: o-Phenanthroline HCl and Neocuproine HCl.
In: Molecules 22/12, Nr. 2238. (DOI) (Web link) -
Bruns, Jörn; Podewitz, Maren; Schauperl, Michael; Joachim, Bastian; Liedl, Klaus R.; Huppertz, Hubert (2017): CaB2S4O16: A Borosulfate Exhibiting a New Structure Type with Phyllosilicate Analogue Topology.
In: Chemistry - A European Journal 23/66, pp. 16773 - 16781. (DOI) -
Clay, PL; Burgess, R; Busemann, H; Ruzie-Hamilton, L; Joachim, B; Day, JMD; Ballentine, CJ (2017): Halogens in chondritic meteorites and terrestrial accretion.
In: Nature 551, pp. 614 - 618. (DOI) -
Fliri, Lukas; Partl, Gabriel; Gelbrich, Thomas; Kahlenberg, Volker; Laus, Gerhard; Schottenberger, Herwig (2017): (E)-2,6-Dibromo-4-(2-(1-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)pyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl)phenolate methanol disolvate, a fluoroponytailed solvatochromic dye.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Crystallographic Communications 73/10, pp. 1526 - 1529. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskina, IO; Galuskin, EV; Pakhomova, AS; Widmer, R; Armbruster, T; Krüger, B; Grew, ES; Vapnik, Y; Dzierazanowski, P; Murashko, M (2017): Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group (sapphirine supergroup) mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel – natural analogue of the SFCA phase.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 29/1, pp. 101 - 116. (DOI) -
Haslinger, Simone; Laus, Gerhard; Oberparleitner, Stefan; Wurst, Klaus; Kahlenberg, Volker; Nerdinger, Sven; Schreiner, Erwin; Schottenberger, Herwig (2017): Synthesis and crystal structures of dicobalt hexacarbonyl complexes of dicationic alkyne-bridged imidazolium and triazolium derivatives.
In: Heterocycles 95/2, pp. 1148 - 1158. (DOI) -
Hejny, C; Bindi, L (2017): Low-temperature behaviour of K2Sc[Si2O6]F: determination of the lock-in phase and its relation-ships with fresnoite- and melilite-type compounds.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science B73, pp. 923 - 930. (DOI) -
Heymann, Gunter; Selb, Elisabeth; Kogler, Michaela; Götsch, Thomas; Köck, Eva-Maria; Penner, Simon; Tribus, Martina; Janka, Oliver (2017): Li3Co1.06(1)TeO6: synthesis, single-crystal structure and physical properties of a new tellurate compound with CoII/CoIII mixed valence and orthogonally oriented Li-ion channels.
In: Dalton Transactions 46, pp. 12663 - 12674. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Hummel, M.; Markiewicz, M.; Stolte, S.; Noisternig, M.; Braun, D. E.; Gelbrich, T.; Griesser, U. J.; Partl, G.; Naier, B.; Wurst, K.; Krüger, B.; Kopacka, H.; Laus, G.; Huppertz, H.; Schottenberger, H. (2017): Phase-out-compliant fluorosurfactants: unique methimazolium derivatives including room temperature ionic liquids.
In: Green Chemistry 19, pp. 3225 - 3237. (DOI) -
Joachim, B; Stechern, A; Ludwig, T; Konzett, J; Pawley, A; Ruzie-Hamilton, L; Clay, PL; Burgess, R; Ballentine CJ (2017): Effect of water on the fluorine and chlorine partitioning behavior between olivine and silicate melt.
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, Nr. 15. (Full-text) (DOI) -
Kahlenberg, V; Braun, D. E.; Krüger, H; Schmidmair, D; Orlova, M (2017): Temperature- and moisture-dependent studies on alunogen and the crystal structure of meta-alunogen determined from laboratory powder diffraction data.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 44/2, pp. 95 - 107. (Full-text) (DOI) -
Kahlenberg, Volker; Schmidmair, Daniela; Hildebrandt, Elias; Ennemoser, Patrick; Zöll, Klaus; Krüger, Hannes (2017): Synthesis, synchrotron diffraction study and twinning in Na2Ca4Mg2Si4O15 – a heteropolyhedral framework compound.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 232/12, pp. 815 - 825. (DOI) -
Köpfle, N.; Mayr, L.; Lackner, P.; Schmid, M.; Schmidmair, D.; Götsch, T.; Penner, S.; Klötzer, B. (2017): Zirconium-Palladium Interactions during Dry Reforming of Methane.
In: ECS Transactions 78/1, pp. 2419 - 2430. (Full-text) (DOI) -
Köpfle, N.; Mayr, L.; Schmidmair, D.; Bernardi, J.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Klötzer, B.; Penner, S. (2017): A Comparative Discussion of the Catalytic Activity and CO2-Selectivity of Cu-Zr and Pd-Zr (Intermetallic) Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming.
In: Catalysts 7/2, Nr. 53. (DOI) -
Krainer, K.; Ausserer, P.; Bressan, D.; Lang, K.; Mair, V.; Mussner, L.; Nickus, U.; Schmidt, V.; Schiestl, E.M.; Tessadri, R.; Thies, H.; Tonidandel, D. (2017): Aufbau und Dynamik ausgewählter Blockgletscher in Nord- und Südtirol.
In: Geo.Alp. Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck und des Naturmuseums Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bozen/Bolzano 12/2015, pp. 75 - 134. (Web link) -
Krainer, K; Tropper, P (2017): Walking on jurassic ocean floor at the Idalpe (Engadin Window) near Ischgl/Tyrol.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, pp. 117 - 128. (Web link) -
Mair, P; Tropper, P; Harlov, DE; Manning, CE (2017): The solubility of apatite in H2O, KCl-H2O, NaCl-H2O at 800°C and 1.0GPa: Implications for REE mobility in high-grade saline brines.
In: Chemical Geology 470, pp. 180 - 192. (DOI) (Web link) -
Mair, P; Tropper, P; Harlov, DE; Manning, CE (2017): The solubility of CePO4 monazite and YPO4 xenotime in KCl-H2O fluids at 800 °C and 1.0 GPa: Implications for REE transport in high-grade crustal fluids.
In: American Mineralogist 102/12, pp. 2457 - 2466. (DOI) -
Ortner, Teresa S.; Schildhammer, Daniel; Tribus, Martina; Joachim, Bastian; Huppertz, Hubert (2017): Synthesis and characterization of the alkali borate-nitrates Na3-xKx[B6O10]NO3 (x = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7).
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 72/3, pp. 215 - 223. (DOI) -
Partl, Julian G.; Hackl, Inge; Götsch, Thomas; Penner, Simon; Tribus, Martina; Weinberger, Nikolaus; Petschnig, Lucas Leo; Schildhammer, Daniel; Fuhrmann, Gerda Laura; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2017): High temperature stable bismuth vanadate composite pigments via vanadyl-exchanged zeolite precursors.
In: Dyes And Pigments 147, pp. 106 - 112. (DOI) -
Perfler, L; Kahlenberg, V; Jakopic, G; Schaur, A; Tribus, M; Schmidmair, D; Kaindl, R (2017): Thermal expansion, mechanical and optical properties of gallium and aluminum substituted Zn2TiO4 spinels.
In: MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 95, pp. 367 - 379. (DOI) -
Reiser, M; Schuster, R; Spikings, R; Tropper, P; Fügenschuh, B (2017): From nappe stacking to exhumation: Cretaceous tectonics in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania).
In: International Journal Of Earth Sciences 106/2, pp. 659 - 685. (DOI) (Web link) -
Reiser, Martin; Schuster, Ralf; Tropper, Peter; Fügenschuh, Bernhard (2017): Constraints on the depositional age and tectonometamorphic evolution of marbles from the Biharia Nappe System (Apuseni Mountains, Romania).
In: Geologica Carpathica 68/2, pp. 147 - 164. (DOI) (Web link) -
Schmidmair, D; Kahlenberg, V; Praxmarer, A; Perfler, L; Mair, P (2017): Investigations on the crystal-structure and non-ambient behaviour of K2Ca2Si8O19 - a new potassium calcium silicate.
In: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 253, pp. 336 - 346. (DOI) -
Schmitt, Martin K.; Janka, Oliver; Pöttgen, Rainer; Benndorf, Christopher; de Oliviera Jr., Marcos; Eckert, Hellmut; Pielnhofer, Florian; Tragl, Amadeus-Samuel; Weihrich, Richard; Joachim, Bastian; Johrendt, Dirk; Huppertz, Hubert (2017): Mo2B4O9–Connecting Borate and Metal-Cluster Chemistry.
In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56/23, pp. 6449 - 6453. (DOI) -
Schmitt, Martin K.; Ploner, Kevin; Hejny, Clivia; Huppertz, Hubert (2017): High-Pressure Synthesis of the First Ternary Melilite-Type Compound Sc1.67B3O7.
In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 643/23, pp. 1844 - 1848. (DOI) -
Schramm, C; Rinderer, B; Tessadri, R (2017): Ladder-Like Aromatic Imide-Functionalized Poly(silsesquioxane): Preparation and Characterization via the Sol–Gel Route.
In: ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY 36/1, pp. 77 - 85. (DOI) (Web link) -
Schramm, Christian; Kitzke, Angelika; Tessadri, Richard (2017): Cobalt-Chloride-based Humidity Sensor attached to Sol-Gel modified Cellulosic Material.
In: Cellulose Chemistry and Technology 51/3-4, pp. 273 - 282. (Web link) -
Selb, Elisabeth; Tribus, Martina; Heymann, Gunter (2017): Verbeekite, the Long-Unknown Crystal Structure of Monoclinic PdSe2.
In: Inorganic Chemistry 56/10, pp. 5885 - 5891. (DOI) (Web link) -
Stalder, Roland; Potrafke, Alexander; Billström, Kjell; Skogby, Henrik; Meinhold, Guido; Gögele, Christian; Berberich, Thomas (2017): OH-defects in quartz as monitor for igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary processes.
In: American Mineralogist 102/9, pp. 1832 - 1842. (DOI) (Web link) -
Strauhal, Thomas; Zangerl, Christian; Fellin, Wolfgang; Holzmann, Michael; Engl, Daniela Anna; Brandner, Rainer; Tropper, Peter; Tessadri, Richard (2017): Structure, Mineralogy and Geomechanical Properties of Shear Zones of Deep-Seated Rockslides in Metamorphic Rocks (Tyrol, Austria).
In: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 50/2, pp. 419 - 438. (DOI) (Web link) -
Thies, Hansjörg; Nickus, Ulrike; Tessadri, Richard; Tropper, Peter; Krainer, Karl (2017): Peculiar arsenic, copper, nickel, uranium, and yttrium-rich Stone coatings in a high mountain stream in the Austrian Alps.
In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft) 110/2, pp. 1 - 7. (DOI) (Web link) -
Tropper, P; Krismer, M; Goldenberg, G (2017): Recent and ancient Copper Production in the Lower Inn Valley. An Overview of prehistoric Mining and primary Copper Metallurgy in the Brixlegg Mining District.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, pp. 97 - 115. (Web link) -
Weis, Franz; Bellucci, Jeremy; Skogby, Henrik; Stalder, Roland; Nemchin, Alexander; Whitehouse, Martin (2017): Water content in the Martian mantle: A Nakhla perspective.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 212, pp. 84 - 98. (DOI) -
Zöll, K; Manninger, T; Kahlenberg, V; Krüger, H; Tropper, P (2017): Investigations on the Crystal Structure and the Stability Field of FCAM-I (Ca3MgAl6Fe10O28), an Iso-structure to SFCA-I.
Journal Article (Review)
Stalder, Roland (2021): OH point defects in quartz – a review.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33, pp. 145 - 163. (DOI) (Web link) -
Pallua, JD; Brunner, A; Zelger, B; Stalder, R; Unterberger, S; Schirmer, M; Tappert, M (2018): Clinical infrared microscopic imaging: An overview.
In: PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 214/10, pp. 1532 - 1538. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
Tropper, Peter; Albertus, Max (2023): Experimentelle Untersuchung der Pyrometamorphose von Quarzphylliten.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 12/Sonderheft, pp. 108 - 110. (DOI) (Web link) -
Wagner, Simon; Köchl, Roland; Zerobin, Bianca; Degenhart, Gerald; Tropper, Peter; Goldenberg, Gert; Barth-Scalmani, Gunda; Weißkopf, Katharina; Zeindl, Gertrud; Ungeralk, Walter (2023): Moderne Qualitätskontrolle von Granat mittels Mikro-Röntgenfluoreszenz und Mikro-Computertomographie.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 12/Sonderheft, pp. 22 - 24. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Other)
Galuskina, I; Krüger, B; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, E (2024): Moragite IMA 2023-088. In: CNMNC Newsletter 77.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 88/2, p. 207. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Cametti, G; Ternes, B; Blaß, G (2024): Karlleuite, IMA2023-102. In: CNMNC Newsletter No. 78, April 2024.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 88/3, pp. 345 - 349. (DOI) (Web link) -
Radnović, ND; Dekić, BR; Ristić, MN; Sejmanović, DM; Aksić, MS; Krüger, B; and Rodić, MV (2023): The crystal structure of 3-(1-(2-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzylidene)hydrazinyl)ethylidene)chroman-2,4-dione dihydrate, C20H22N2O8.
In: Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 238/2, pp. 171 - 173. (DOI) (Web link) -
Zerobin, Bianca; Goldenberg, Gert; Köchl, Roland; Wagner, Simon (2023): “Zillertal Garnet”: Studies on the Cultural Heritage of the East Alpine Gemstone Industry as Reflected in Interdisciplinary Research.
In: The SHA Newsletter – Quarterly News on Historical Archaeology from Around the Globe 56/3, pp. 37 - 39. (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Galuskina, I. O; Krüger, B.; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, E. (2022): Mazorite, IMA 2022-022. CNMNC Newsletter No. 68, October 2022, pp. 854 - 859.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 86/5, p. 856. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, H; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, B; Nejbert, K; Vapnik, Y (2021): Shagamite. IMA 2020-091. CNMNC Newsletter 60.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 85. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krüger, B; Krüger, H; Galuskina, IO; Galuskin, EV; Vapnik, Y (2021): Devilliersite. IMA no. 2020-073. CNMNC Newsletter No. 59.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 33/1, p. 141. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskina, IO; Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Banasik, K; Murashko, M; Agakhanov, AA; Pauluhn, A (2019): Gmalimite, IMA 2019-007. CNMNC Newsletter No. 50.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 83/4, pp. 615 - 616. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskina, IO; Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Vapnik, Y; Murashko, M. (2019): Khurayyimite, IMA No. 2018-140. CNMNC Newsletter No. 48.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 31/2, p. 401. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, EV (2019): Siwaqaite, IMA 2018-150. CNMNC Newsletter No. 48.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 31/2, p. 401. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y (2019): Kahlenbergite, IMA 2018-158. CNMNC Newsletter No. 49.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 83/3, p. 480. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krzatala, A; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, E (2019): Bennesherite. IMA No. 2019-068. CNMNC Newsletter No. 52.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 83/6, p. 890. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y (2018): Aravaite, IMA 2018-078. CNMNC Newsletter No. 46, December 2018, page 1182.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy 46, pp. 1181 - 1189. (DOI) (Web link) -
Petermüller, Benedikt; Neun, Christopher; Stekiel, Michal; Zimmer, Dominik; Tribus, Martina; Wurst, Klaus; Winkler, Björn; Huppertz, Hubert (2018): Cover Feature: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Compressibilities of Mn3−xIr5B2+x (0≤x≤0.5) and Mn2IrB2 (Chem. Eur. J. 55/2018).
In: Chemistry - A European Journal 24/55, p. 14569. (DOI) (Web link) -
Bentivoglio, Gino; Laus, Gerhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Röder, Thomas; Schottenberger, Herwig (2017): 1-Allyl-2-methylpyridinium chloride.
In: IUCrData 2/Part 4, Nr. x170598. (DOI) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Pauluhn, A; Olieric, V (2017): Levantite, IMA 2017- 010. CNMNC Newsletter No. 37, June 2017, page 740.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 81/3, pp. 737 - 742. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskin, EV; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Wojdyla, JA; Murashko, M (2017): Ariegilatite, IMA 2016-100. CNMNC Newsletter No. 36, April 2017, page 405.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 81/2, pp. 403 - 409. (DOI) (Web link) -
Galuskina, IO; Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Murashko, M; Agakhanov, AA; Pauluhn, A; Olieric, V (2017): Zoharite, IMA 2017-049. CNMNC Newsletter No. 39, October 2017, page 1281.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 81, pp. 1279 - 1286. (DOI) (Web link) -
Juroszek, R; Krüger, H; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, B; Jezak, L; Ternes, B; Wojdyla, J; Krzy (2017): Sharyginite, IMA 2017-014. CNMNC Newsletter No. 37, June 2017, page 741.
In: Mineralogical Magazine 81/3, pp. 737 - 742. (DOI) (Web link) -
Partl, Gabriel; Laus, Gerhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Huppertz, Hubert; Schottenberger, Herwig (2017): 3,3'-(Hexane-1,6-diyl)bis(1-vinyl-4-imidazoline-2-thione).
In: IUCrData 2/Part 4, Nr. x170599. (DOI)
Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
Oettel, Lena; Eß, Lisa; Schipflinger, Florian; Degenhart, Gerald; Tropper, Peter; Trebsche, Peter (2023): Mikro-CT Untersuchungen an Schlacken aus dem prähistorischen Fundplatz in Kundl.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 12/Sonderheft, pp. 79 - 81. (DOI) (Web link) -
Goldenberg, Gert; Tropper, Peter; Barth-Scalmani, Gunda; Zeindl, Gertraud; Weiskopf, Katharina; Zerobin, Bianca; Köchl, Roland; Wagner, Simon; Ungerank, Walter (2021): Zillertaler Granat - Studien zum kulturellen Erbe des ostalpinen (Halb-)EdelsteinGewerbes im Spiegel interdisziplinärer Forschung.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 2021/Sonderheft 11, pp. 148 - 150. (Full-text) -
Töchterle, Ulrike; Wagner, Simon; Heck, Pierre; Tropper, Peter; Degenhart, Gerald (2021): Der Erhaltungszustand von archäologischen Eisenfunden nach der Bergung.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 2021/Sonderheft 11, pp. 130 - 132. -
Tropper, Peter; Leo, David; Degenhart, Gerald; Angerer, Thomas; Staudt, Markus (2021): Schwermetalleinbau in Tierknochen als geochemischer Indikator für die prähistorische Kupferverhüttung: Mineralogische und mikro - Computertomographische Untersuchungen von As-Sb kontaminierten Tierknochen und Tierzähnen.
In: Metalla: Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums 2021/Sonderheft 11, pp. 86 - 88. -
Hejny, Clivia; Kahlenberg, Volker; Krüger, Hannes (2019): Inverse Crystal Structure Behaviour of CA(3)AL(4)ZNO(10) at High Pressure and High Temperature.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundation and Advances 75, p. E228. (DOI) -
Kronenberg, Laura; Keil, Jessica; Tropper, Peter; Töchterle, Ulrike; Degenhart, Gerald (2019): Keramik als Prozessarchiv: Mineralogisch-petrographische Untersuchungen von frühbronzezeitlicher schlackengemagerter Keramik vom Buchberg bei Wiesing.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 165, p. 55. (Web link) -
Kruger, Biljana; Galuskin, Evgeny V.; Galuskina, Irina O.; Krüger, Hannes; Vapnik, Yevgeny (2019): Kahlenbergite, a New Potassium beta-Aluminia Mineral.
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundation and Advances 75, p. E206. (DOI) -
Krzatala, A; Krüger, B; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Galuskin, E (2019): Potentially new Ba,Fe-mellilite from Gurim Anticline, Hatrurim Complex, Israel.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 165, p. 57. -
Nickus, Ulrike; Thies, Hansjörg; Dietre, Benjamin; Krainer, Karl; Lang, Kathrin; Mair, Volkmar; Tessadri, Richard; Tonidandel, David (2019): A multi-millenial record of rock glacier ice chemistry at Lazaun (Northern Italy).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 21, EGU2019-9937. (Web link) -
Thies, Hansjörg; Nickus, Ulrike; Tessadri, Richard; Tropper, Peter; Krainer, Karl (2019): Peculiar arsenic, copper, nickel, uranium, and yttrium-rich stone coatings in a mountain stream situated below an active rock glacier in the Tyrolean Alps (Austria).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 21, EGU2019-5994. (Web link) -
Burgess, R; Clay, PL; Joy, KH; McDonald, FE; Busemann, H; Ruzié-Hamilton, L; Joachim, B; Tartèse, R; Lyon, IC; Ballentine, CJ (2018): Lunar halogen determinations using a noble gas approach.
In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2018, No. 309. (Web link) -
Clay, PL; Burgess, R; Busemann, H; Ruziè-Hamilton, L; Joachim, B; Day, JMD; Lyon, IC; King, AJ; Russell, SS; Schofield, PF; Ballentine, CJ (2018): Halogens as key tracers of volatile evolution in the terrestrial planets.
In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2018, No. 442. (Web link) -
Kahlenberg, V; Schmidmair, D (2018): The system Na2O-CaO-SiO2: 90 years of research, but do we really know everything?
In: Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundation and Advances 74/Suppl., pp. E50 - E55. (DOI) -
Reiser, Martin; Pomella, Hannah; Costantini, Daniel; Schuster, Ralf; Tropper, Peter (2018): Thermochronological constraints on the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Meran- Mauls nappe stack (South Tyrol, Italy).
In: Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 128, p. 129. (Web link) -
Clay, PL; Burgess, R; Busemann, H; Ruzié-Hamilton, L; Joachim, B; Day, JMD; Ballentine, CJ (2017): Process of volatile addition to Earth revealed by halogens in chondrites.
In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2017, online. (Web link) -
Goldenberg, Gert; Anfinset, Nils; Staudt, Markus; Tropper, Peter; Windisch, Manuel; Zerobin, Bianca (2017): Experimental Reconstruction Of Bronze Age Chalcopyrite Smelting.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, p. 41. (Web link) -
Joachim, B; Ludwig, A; Konzett, J; Ruzie-Hamilton, L; Clay, P; Burgess, R; Pawley, A; Ballentine, CJ (2017): The effect of water on the fluorine partitioning behavior btween olivine and silicate melt, fluorine concentrations and F/H2O ratios during partial melting in the upper mantle.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163. -
Joachim, B; Stechern, A; Ludwig, J; Konzett, J; Ruzié-Hamilton, L; Clay, P.L; Burgess, R; Pawley, A; Ballentine, CJ (2017): Effect of water on the F and Cl partitioning behavior between olivine and silicate melt.
In: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2017, online. (Web link) -
Jurozek, R; Krüger, B; Galuskina, I (2017): Structural reinvestigation of bentorite.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, p. 49. -
Krüger, B; Galuskin, EV; Galuskina, IO; Krüger, H; Vapnik, Y; Wojdyla, JA; Murashko, M (2017): Arigilatite, a new mineral with modular structure.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, p. 58. -
Krüger, B; Hejny, C (2017): High Pressure behaviour of kalsilite- O1 Phase.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, p. 60. -
Tropper, Peter; Lanthaler, Julian; Griesser, Stefan; Hejny, Clivia; Joachim, Bastian; Sanders, Diethard; Ostermann, Marc (2017): Geothermobarometry of extreme events: the landslide of Köfels.
In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163, p. 89. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
Goldenberg, Gert; Staudt, Markus; Schrattenthaler, Hanspeter; Nicolussi, Kurt; Pichler, Thomas; Tropper, Peter (2024): Älter als gedacht - Schwazer Silberbergbau bereits für das 12. Jahrhundert nachgewiesen.
In: Awad-Konrad, Anna-Elisabeth; Ilsinger, Hubert; Müller, Florian M.; Waldhart, Elisabeth Waldhart: Opfer der eigenen Begeisterung. Festschrift für Harald Stadler zum 65. Geburtstag. Brixen / Bressanone: Verlag A. Weger (= Nearchos, 25)., ISBN 978-88-6563-368-7, pp. 171 - 178. (Web link) -
Bachnetzer, Thomas; Tropper, Peter; Titzler, Sebastian (2021): Archäologische und mineralogische Untersuchungen an den Lavezvorkommen vom Pfitscherjoch in den Zillertaler Alpen, Nordtirol.
In: Auer, Martin; Stadler, Harald: Alpine Landschaftsnutzung im Ager Aguntinus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (= Ager Aguntinus, 5)., ISBN 978-3-447-11692-3, pp. 1 - 22. (Web link) -
Töchterle, Ulrike; Staudt, Markus; Tropper, Peter (2021): Ugelli utilizzati nella metallurgia del rame durante l’età del Bronzo.
In: Bellintani, P; Silvestri, E.: Fare Rame. La metallurgia primaria della tarda etá del Bronzo in Trentino: nuovi scavi e stato dell´arte della ricerca sul campo. Trento: Provincia autonoma di Trento., ISBN 9788877025067, pp. 237 - 251. (Full-text) (Web link) -
Waldhart, Elisabeth; Grutsch, Caroline; Staudt, Markus; Tropper, Peter; Stadler, Harald (2021): Ein Plattenschlackenfragment vom Opferplatz am Potschepol, Alkus (KG Ainet, BZ Lienz, A): Gedanken zur prähistorischen Kupferverhüttung in Osttirol.
In: Auer, Martin; Stadler, Harald: Alpine Landschaftsnutzung im Ager Aguntinus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (= Ager Aguntinus, 5)., ISBN 978-3-447-11692-3, pp. 171 - 182. (Web link) -
Zerobin, Bianca; Goldenberg, Gert; Auer, Martin; Töchterle, Ulrike; Angerer, Thomas; Hejny, Clivia; Tropper, Peter (2021): Ägyptisch Blau: Pigmentfunde aus Raum 289 des römischen Municipium Claudium Aguntum.
In: Auer, Martin; Stadler, Harald: Alpine Landschaftsnutzung im Ager Aguntinus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (= Ager Aguntinus, 5)., ISBN 978-3-447-11692-3, pp. 183 - 192. (Full-text) (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter (2019): Feuer und Gestein: mineralogische Untersuchungen der Schlacken des Brandopferplatzes Goldbichl bei Igls.
In: Hye, Simon; Töchterle, Ulrike: UPIKU:TAUKE. Festschrift für Gerhard Tomedi zum 65. Geburtstag. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt (= Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie, 339)., ISBN 978-3-7749-4228-8, pp. 571 - 574. (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Duuring, P; Hagemann, SG (2017): Iron ore deposits of the Yilgarn Craton.
In: Philips, Neil: Australian ore deposits. Sydney: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (= Monograph series. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 32)., ISBN 9781925100686, pp. 181 - 184. (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Hagemann, SG; Lascelles, D; Reichardt, H (2017): BIF-hosted high-grade iron ore deposits in the eastern Hamersley Province.
In: Philips, Neil: Australian ore deposits. Sydney: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (= Monograph series. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 32)., ISBN 9781925100686, pp. 369 - 374. (Web link) -
Hagemann, SG; Angerer, T; Duuring, P (2017): Iron ore systems in Western Australia.
In: Philips, Neil: Australian ore deposits. Sydney: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (= Monograph series. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 32)., ISBN 9781925100686, pp. 59 - 62. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Review)
Klemme, Stephan; Stalder, Roland (2018): Chapter 14: Halogens in the Earth’s Mantle: What We Know and What We Don’t.
In: Harlov, Daniel; Aranovich, Leonid: The role of halogens in terrestrial and extraterrestrial geochemical processes. Cham: Springer International Publishing., ISBN 978-3-319-61665-0, pp. 847 - 869. (Web link)
Proceedings Article
Joachim-Mrosko, B (2024): Sehen-Staunen-Anfassen-Expermentieren-Verstehen. Möglichkeiten der Schaffung von öffentlichem Bewusstsein in der jungen Generation.
In: Pfaff, G; Greiling, RO; Müller, A (Hrsg.): Kritische Rohstoffe - große Bedeutung und geringes öffentliches Bewusstsein - was ist zu tun? Kolloquium der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften am 20.03.2024. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag (= Sitzungsberichte Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften, 163)., ISBN 987-3-86464-269-2, pp. 95 - 107. -
Maldonado, Blanca; Castro, Patricia; Tropper, Peter (2023): Traditional Copper Work from Santa Clara del Cobre, Mexico: A Case Study on Technological Change and Persistence.
In: Hayajneh, Hani: Cultural Heritage: At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences. Proceedings of the International Humboldt-Kolleg (Jordan, 16-18 April 2019). Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, London, Zürich: LIT-Verlag (= Archäologie. Forschung und Wissenschaft, 7)., ISBN 978-3-643-91252-7, pp. 397 - 405. (Web link) -
Angerer, T; Volgger, A; Tropper, P; Vavtar, F (2019): Rare metal mobility in a metamorphosed base metal deposit: the Schneeberg/Monte Neve Zn-Pb-(Ag-Cu) SHMS.
In: University of Glasgow Publicity Service: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting. Life with Ore Deposits on Eart. Proceedings Volume 1. 27–30 August 2019, Glasgow, Scotland. Genf: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits., ISBN 978-0-85261-963-6, pp. 327 - 330. (Web link) -
Grutsch, Caroline; Martinek, Klaus-Peter; Tropper, Peter; Lutz, Joachim (2019): Prospecting for copper - Mineralogical and first mining archaeological surveys in western North Tyrol, Austria.
In: Turck, Rouven; Stöllner, Thomas; Goldenberg, Gert: Alpine Copper II – Alpenkupfer II – Rame delle Alpi II – Cuivre des Alpes II. New Results and Perspectives on Prehistoric Copper Production. Rahden, Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH (= Der Anschnitt. Beiheft, 42)., ISBN 978-3-86757-034-3, pp. 103 - 114. (Full-text) (Web link) -
Hollinetz, Marianne Sophie; Werdenich, Manuel; Iglseder, Christoph; Huet, Benjamin; Reiser, Martin; Schuster, Ralf; Tropper, Peter; Rantitsch, Gerd; Grasemann, Bernhard (2019): Bundschuh or not Bundschuh? Discussing criteria defining the Bundschuh Nappe in the light of new P-T-t data from two localities in the Gurktal Alps (Upper Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps).
In: Griesmeier, Gerit E.U.; Iglseder, Christoph: Arbeitstagung 2019 der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Geologie des Kartenblattes GK25 Radenthein-Ost. Murau, 24.-27. Juni 2019. Wien: Geologische Bundesanstalt., ISBN 978-3-903252-03-5, pp. 87 - 95. (Web link) -
Schmitt, L; Kirnbauer, T; Angerer, T; Klein, S (2019): Diversity of Devonian Lahn-Dill-type iron ores from the Rhenish Massif, Germany: evidence from petrography and geochemistry.
In: University of Glasgow Publicity Service: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting. Life with Ore Deposits on Eart. Proceedings Volume 1. 27–30 August 2019, Glasgow, Scotland. Genf: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits., ISBN 978-0-85261-963-6, pp. 283 - 286. (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter; Goldenberg, Gert; Krismer, Matthias; Bechter, Daniel; Steiner, Martin; Viertler, Hans-Peter; Vavtar, Franz (2019): Mineral-chemical characterisation of chalcopyrites and fahlore-group minerals from selected Cu-ore deposits in the Eastern Alps.
In: Turck, Rouven; Stöllner, Thomas; Goldenberg, Gert: Alpine Copper II – Alpenkupfer II – Rame delle Alpi II – Cuivre des Alpes II. New Results and Perspectives on Prehistoric Copper Production. Rahden, Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH (= Der Anschnitt. Beiheft, 42)., ISBN 978-3-86757-034-3, pp. 143 - 164. (Full-text) (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter; Staudt, Markus; Töchterle, Ulrike; Krismer, Matthias; Goldenberg, Gert (2019): Encapsulated industrial processes: slag-tempered ceramics and its implications for prehistoric metallurgy in the Lower Inn Valley (North Tyrol, Austria).
In: Turck, Rouven; Stöllner, Thomas; Goldenberg, Gert: Alpine Copper II – Alpenkupfer II – Rame delle Alpi II – Cuivre des Alpes II. New Results and Perspectives on Prehistoric Copper Production. Rahden, Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH (= Der Anschnitt. Beiheft, 42)., ISBN 978-3-86757-034-3, pp. 299 - 310. (Full-text) (Web link)
Proceedings Article (Abstract)
Tropper, Peter; Klotz, Thomas; Pomella, Hannah; Dunkl, Istvan (2024): Visible and invisible complexities in low-to medium grade metamorphic rocks: mineralogical and petrological constraints on the Variscan metamorphic gradient in the Southalpine metamorphic basement (Brixen quartzphyllites, Northern Italy),.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2024 - Book of Abstracts. Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024. Göttingen: Copernicus., No. EGU24-1731. (DOI) (Web link) -
Fassmer, Kathrin; Tropper, Peter; Pomella, Hannah; Angerer, Thomas; Degenhart, Gerald; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Münker, Carsten; Schmitt, Axel; Fügenschuh, Bernhard (2021): Determining the speed of intracontinental subduction – preliminary results of zoned garnet geochronology in micaschists from the Schneeberg and Radenthein Complexes, Eastern Alps.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2021 - Book of Abstracts. 19.-30.04.2021. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU21-9515. (DOI) (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter; Krenn, Kurt; Sanders, Diethard (2021): Beyond ultra-high pressure metamorphism: evidence for extremely high pressure conditions during frictional fusion in gigantic landslides using micro-Raman spectroscopy of quartz: the Tsergo Ri (Langtang Himal, Nepal) rockslide.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2021 - Book of Abstracts. 19.-30.04.2021. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU21-8442. (DOI) (Web link) -
Consuma, Giulia; Braga, Roberto; Fiorentini, Marko; Martin, Laure; Tropper, Peter; Aulbach, Sonja (2020): New constraints on the Sulfur isotope signature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle wedge: in situ δ34S analyses of pentlandite from the exhumed orogenic garnet-bearing peridotite of the Ulten Zone, Eastern Italian Alps.
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2020 - Book of Abstracts. 04. - 08.05.2020, online. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU2020-1077. (DOI) (Web link) -
Sanders, Diethard; Joachim-Mrosko, Bastian; Konzett, Jürgen; Lanthaler, Julian; Ostermann, Mark; Tropper, Peter (2020): Petrological constraints on ultra-high pressure metamorphism and frictionite formation in a catastrophic rockslide: The Koefels event (Eastern Alps).
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2020 - Book of Abstracts. 04. - 08.05.2020, online. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU2020-4831. (DOI) (Web link) -
Tropper, Peter; Schmitt, Axel; Mojzsis, Stephen; Manning, Craig (2020): Rutile petrochronology of Eo-Archaean metasediments from the southern Inukjuak domain, Québec (Canada) and Akila island (SW Greenland).
In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2020 - Book of Abstracts. 04. - 08.05.2020, online. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU2020-3542. (DOI) (Web link) -
Lotti, P; Gatta, G; Gigli, L; Merlini, M; Comboni, D; Krüger, H. (2018): Intermediate scapolite: crystal chemistry, structure and behavior at non-ambient (P,T)-conditions.
In: Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP - Abstract Book a cura della Società Geologica Italiana. Rom: Società Geologica Italiana., p. 481. (Web link) -
Joachim, B; Stechern, A.; Ludwig, A; Konzett, J; Ruzie-Hamilton, L; Clay, P; Burgess, R; Pawley, A; Ballentine, CJ (2017): The effect of water on the fluorine and chlorine partitioning behavior between olivine and silicate melt.
In: Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft: Abstracts GeoBremen 2017: The Systeem Earth and its Materials - from Seaflor to Summit. Bremen, Germany, 24 - 29 September 2017. Bremen: Universität Bremen., pp. 429 - 430. (Web link) -
Reiser, Martin; Sabau, Gavril; Schuster, Ralf; Tropper, Peter; Fügenschuh, Bernhard (2017): Early Cretaceous metamorphism in the Tisza and Dacia mega-units following the obduction of th South Transylvanian Ophiolites: new results from U-Th-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd garnet dating in the Apuseni Mountains (Romana).
In: Saric, Kristina; Prelevic, Dean; Sudar, Milan; Cvetkovic, Vladica: Émile Argand Conference - 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - September 7th-18th 2017, Zlatibor Mts. (Serbia). ABSTRACT VOLUME. Belgrad: Univerzitet u Beogradu / Universität Belgrad (= EGU Series)., ISBN 978-86-7352-297-5, p. 114. -
Reiser, Martin; Schuster, Ralf; Sabau, Gavril; Tropper, Peter; Fügenschuh, Bernhard (2017): Timing and conditions of Alpine peak metamorphism in the Tisza and Dacia Mega-Units, Apuseni Mountains, Romania.
In: Pál-Molnár, Elemér: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Field Guide Series. 15th Meeting of the Central European Tectonics Studies Group (CETeG) - Abstract Book. Szeged: University of Szeged., p. 34.
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
Schreieck, Elias; Krüger, Biljana; Tropper, Peter (2022): Metazeunerit vom Bergsturz Köfels, Ötztal, Tirol.
In: Carinthia II. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Kärnten 212/132/1, pp. 240 - 241. (Web link)