Workplaces as Learning Spaces – conceptual and empirical insights
Annette Ostendorf, Chompoonuh K. Permpoonwiwat (Hg.)
ISBN 978-3-903122-73-4
brosch., 196 Seiten, Farbabbildungen
2017, innsbruck university press • iup
Preis: 21,90 Euro
This volume is focused on workplaces as learning spaces. It is the fourth volume of Asian and European researchers carrying out common or related work in the field of workplace learning. They are organised in the ASEM Lifelong Learning research net-work, which was established in 2005 and includes members from 14 countries in Asia and Europe. The research network is enhancing a vivid exchange of knowledge and ideas on workplace learning across different countries, cultures and continents and it conducts research agreed on common concepts. The contributions in this volume comprise in many cases empirical data gained by combining different qualitative re-search methods, including visual methods. The work of all researchers and research teams in this paper collection is dedicated to throw light on the phenomenon of work-places as learning spaces, and to explain different facets of meaning, processes and structure related to it.
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-01
Karen Evans, Annette Ostendorf and Chompoonuh K. Permpoonwiwat
Introduction: Researching Workplaces as Learning Spaces
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-02
Natasha Kersh and Karen Evans
Exploring working places and self-generated learning spaces: concepts, perspectives and cases from the United Kingdom
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-03
Katharina Lunardon, Pier Paolo Pasqualoni and Chompoonuh K. Permpoonwiwat
Transnational and Transdisciplinary Research Network: Creating Learning Spaces by Transcending Boundaries for Collaboration
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-04
Theo van Dellen and Döndü Yurtmaz
The experience of adult learning professionals with workplaces as learning spaces
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-05
Padma Ramsamy-Prat
The art of workplace learning
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-06
Elina Maslo
“I have learned – It is about something that happened in the past!” – Time, space and human interaction in different perceptions of learning at work
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-07
Daiva Bukantaite
Learning Spaces for University Administrators – How and to what Extent they are Recognized
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-08
Helen Bound and Arthur Chia
Ways in which Learning Spaces Mediate Learning and Assessment
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-09
Annette Ostendorf
Opening learning spaces for business interns – some insights derived from the PEARL project
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-10
Areeya Rojvithee
Workplaces as Learning Spaces: Increasing Productivity in Workplaces in Thailand
DOI: 10.15203/3122-73-4-11