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7th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications (PTRMS 2016)

Armin Hansel, Jürgen Dunkl (Hg.)

ISBN 978-3-903122-00-0
brosch., 278 Seiten, engl.
2016, innsbruck university press • iup

Preis: 21,90 Euro

 PTR-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometry) is a technology developed at the Institute of Ion Physics and Applied Physics at the University of Innsbruck 20 years ago. PTR-MS has been found to be an extremely powerful and promising technology for the in-situ detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at trace levels (pptv) in gaseous media. Today the most recently developed PTR3-TOF instrument reaches limits of detection in the sub-ppq range monitoring semi volatile and even non-volatile compounds. PTR-MS has been successfully employed in many fields of research & technology including environmental research, life sciences, and food science. In 1998 the spin-off company Ionicon Analytik GmbH ( was founded to provide PTR-MS instruments to a growing user community and to develop the technology further. Today many research institutions and companies use this technology throughout the world.

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