Donnerstag , 17. November 2016, 9.00 Uhr: The CETA drama: Entering the dark age of protectionism and nationalism?

Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LL.M., Secretary-General of EFILA, Guest Professor at Verona University | HS 3108, UNI-Hauptgebäude, 3. Stock

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The lecture will discuss the potential consequences of the CETA drama. It will explain the main elements of the investor-State dispute settlement system (ISDS) and highlight the modifications introduced by the proposal of the creation of a investment court system (ICS). Based on that, more general aspects will be analyzed with regard to the future of the EU‘s competence to concluded trade and investment agreements and the relationship with Member States. Also the issue to what extent regions would be affected by CETA and how the EU should deal with it will be raised.

The main question the lecture will address is, whether the CETA drama is a sign that the EU and its Member States have entered the dark age of protectionism and nationalism.

Veranstalter: ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Hilpold

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