To the KR9 community,
We recently asked KR9 members to fill out a survey regarding their thoughts on KROnline - a periodic online KR seminar series that is intended to bridge the gap in our community while we wait for a time when a physical meeting can be held.
In this email you will find:
(1) Survey results
(2) Call to action!
(3) Proposed start dates
Survey results: Thank you for participating! We had a total of 60 responses. A graphical breakdown of the results can be found here. Highlights include:
- 97% like the idea of KROnline
- A monthly series at 2-hour intervals has the majority (57%)
- Near equal split between whether sessions should be a mix of topics or a set theme.
- Responses were a fairly even mix of ECR and non-ECR
Thanks also to those who volunteered to help organize and chair sessions:
Franzi Lechleitner (Europe), Andrea Columbu (Europe), Barbara Wortham (USA), Seb Breitenbach (UK), Sarah Treube (USA), Kathleen Johnson (USA), Kira Rehfeld (Europe), Belén Muñoz-García (Europe)
Call to action: Thus far, we have a strong representation of chairpersons from USA and Europe. If you are from Asia, South America, Africa, or Australia/NZ and are willing to chair, please reach out to us within the next week so that we can continue organizing!
Proposed start dates: Survey results show that a recurring monthly seminar (2-hours per session) is the preferred format. With this in mind (as well as the myriad of time zones that our community occupies) we propose the following session times, which will be finalized in due course:
[Session 1] Mid-December 2020 at 15:00 GMT. Chairpersons from: USA, South America, Europe, Africa.
[Session 2] Mid-January 2021 at 23:00 GMT. Chairpersons from: Asia, Australia/NZ, USA, South America.
[Session 3] Mid-February 2021 at 8:00 GMT. Chairpersons from: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia/NZ.
[Session 4]: Mid-March 2021 at 18:00 GMT. Chairpersons from: USA, South America, Europe, Africa.