Research at the Department of Systematic Theology

The Department of Systematic Theology coordinates the interdisciplinary research program “Religion – Violence – Communication – World Order” (Religion-Gewalt-Kommunikation-Weltordnung) and conducts the sub-program “Dramatic Theology”. The research center RGKW is also part of  the interdisciplinary research area “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts” at University of Innsbruck. Wilhelm Guggenberger and Roman Siebenrock represent the research program in the advisory board of “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts”. Since 2019 Wilhelm Guggenberger is head of the research group Sustainable Development Goals 16 "Peace, Justice, and Strong Intitutions", which is part of project UniNEtZ-Universitäten und nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele, a project initiated by the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria.

Furthermore the Department of Systematic Theology is editing the book series “Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie” (Contributions to Mimetic Theory). Till January 2008 also the Karl Rahner Archive was allocated at the Department of Systematic Theology. To get information on additional research activities of the individual members of the department follow the research link on their individual homepages.

Research project granted by Austrian Science Fund (FWF):

>> Profile of the Department of Systematic Theology (in German)

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