News 1
The Innsbruck Physics Research Center is committed to carry out excellent, worldwide competitive research addressing a broad range of modern topics in physics. [more]
Innsbruck Physics is organized along three main research areas: Astro- and Astroparticle Physics, Ion- and Applied Physics, and Quantum Physics. The research groups are s... [more]
Der FSP Physik organisiert gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Informatik und dem Institut für Mathematik einen Tag speziell für Schüler:innen der Sekundarstufe II. [more]
The Innsbruck Physics Research Center organizes the Innsbruck Physics Colloquium always on Tuesdays at 16:30 in lecture hall C during the semester. [more]
Jacqueline Bloch (Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies) – When light sheds light on condensed matter. [more]
The Doctoral Programme (Doktoratskolleg) Atoms, Light, and Molecules, DK-ALM, is a collaborative programme that provides a research and training environment for excellent... [more]
After two decades of intensive experimental and theoretical research in quantum science, we have now reached a new era of quantum technologies. [more]
Head Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Wester
Administrative Assistent Sabine HOFER BRIGO
Scientific Management Lea M. Trenkwalder
Innsbruck Physics – Research Center
Technikerstraße 25/3 (Victor-Franz-Hess-Haus), 6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Tel.: +43 512 507-39800
Fax: +43 512 507-52492
Social Media Innsbruck Physics on Facebook
Motivated BSc / MSc / PhD candidates are welcome to apply for a position in one of our research groups and also check out the university's career opportunities