PRACE Autumn School 2021 - GPU programming with CUDA
October 4 - 7, 2021, in Innsbruck
organized by the Research Area Scientific Computing at the University of Innsbruck and the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)
The organizing committee is monitoring the world-wide covid situation closely. We are currently planning for an in-person seasonal school, but may switch to a hybrid in-person/virtual or fully virtual format should the situation in October 2021 require it, to make this PRACE Autumn School a safe and productive event.
- For details, please see:
- Registration OPEN:
Many of today's high-end HPC systems are equipped with GPUs. This is true for smaller clusters, Tier-0 and Pre-Exascale systems alike. Using modern GPUs can significantly improve the computational performance achieved when exploiting their full capabilities. Making use of these resources will be even more crucial in the future as the trend towards GPUs will in all likelihood continue. GPUs are currently becoming mainstream within the Exascale Computing Project in the US. In this Seasonal School participants shall be provided with the necessary skills and tools to efficiently use GPUs in their daily work.
The school addresses participants from all scientific fields. They will be taught the necessary programming paradigms and be guided to write correct and efficient code for GPUs. They will also learn how to port existing code to use GPU acceleration. The course includes many hands-on exercises so that the learned concepts can be applied immediately. In addition, several invited speakers with different backgrounds will report on successfully porting their scientific applications to GPUs.
Case studies and hands-on tutorials form an integral part of the course. The computational resources necessary to conduct the exercises will be provided in form of a GPU cluster at the University of Innsbruck, which will be reserved for exclusive usage for the participants of the school. This will be augmented by a second batch of GPUs from VSC-3, a cluster located at the national centre of supercomputing in Austria, with likewise exclusive reservation for the entire period of the Seasonal School.