
Academic Activities and Achievements

Doctoral Theses / Postdoctoral Qualifications

  • Northup, Tracy E.: Verleihung der Lehrbefugnis für das Fach "Experimentalphysik" (2017). (Web link)

Supervision of Student Theses

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Conzatti, Riccardo: A new control system for a quantum network node (2022 - 2023). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Mastrangelo, Luca: Towards absorption of single photons for an ion-cavity interface (2022 - 2023). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Wintermeyer, Pascal: Direct loading of nanoparticles into a planar Paul trap at high vacuum utilizing LIAD (2021 - 2023). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Dania, Lorenzo: Heidegger, Katharina Diemut: Self-homodyne position detection of a levitated silica nanoparticle (2021 - 2022). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Bykov, Dmitry: Meusburger, Maximilian Heribert: A UHV-compatible method for trapping SiO2 particles with an optical trap (2021). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Romero Isart, Josep Oriol: Galli, Maria: Entanglement between remote ions interfaced with cavities (2020 - 2024). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Romero Isart, Josep Oriol: Dania, Lorenzo: Levitodynamical experiments with nanoparticles and ions trapped in Paul traps (2020 - 2023). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Wahl, Jakob: Resonant state expansion applied to fiber Fabry-Pérot resonators (2020 - 2021). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Blatt, Rainer: Fioretto, Dario Alessandro: Towards a flexible source for indistinguishable photons based on trapped ions and cavities (2019 - 2020). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Knoll, Matthias: Parametric feedback cooling of silica nanosheres in a hybrid trapping potential (2019). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Blatt, Rainer: Messerer, Viktor: Generation of Single Photons with Trapped Ions Coupled to a Fiber Cavity (2018 - 2024). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Blatt, Rainer: Teller, Markus: Measuring and modeling electric-field noise in an ion-cavity system (2018 - 2021). (Web link)

  • Blatt, Rainer; Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Schüppert, Klemens: Quantum Interface - A fiber cavity perpendicular to a linear ion trap (2017 - 2020). (Web link)

  • Blatt, Rainer; Northup, Tracy Eleanor: Friebe, Konstantin Richard: On dispersive interactions between a trapped ion and a cavity field (2017 - 2019). (Web link)

  • Blatt, Rainer; Northup, Tracy: Teller, Markus: Single ion addressing for high fidelity implementation of quantum network protocols (2017). (Web link)

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Blatt, Rainer: Kranzl, Florian Philipp: Charakterisierung optischer faserbasierter Farby-Pérot-Resonatoren (2017). (Web link)

Supervision of External Student Theses

  • Northup, Tracy Eleanor; Fuso Francesco: Lorenzo Dania: Investigation on a two-frequency Paul trap for a cavity optomechanics system (2018). (Web link PDF)
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