On-chip microlaser driven sources of indistinguishable photons for quantum networks
In many of our projects we have investigated Bragg-reflection waveguides as a probable candidate for such a source. The large effective optical nonlinearity of AlGaAs semiconductor devices allows for bright emission of photon pairs at a wavelength around 1550nm via parametric down-conversion. This process, however, has a large disadvantage in its probabilistic nature. As such, it can never be a true on-demand single photon source. While this can be overcome by heralding of one of the photons of a pair and clever algorithms, the overall device efficiency will still suffer.
In contrast, quantum dots act as artificial atoms within a semiconductor structure. Hence, their emission consists of single photons (aside from loss and background mechanisms). Furthermore, by incorporating a micro-laser on the same device as the quantum dots, it is possible to tune and excite them electrically. However, typically quantum dots in this material platform emit photons at a wavelength around 800-900nm, which is not compatible with the current telecommunication standard. A lot of effort is being put into tuning their emission wavelength via strain or electricity, which typically decreases the quality of the emitted photons.
The Austrian Science Fund funds our D-A-CH project "On-chip microlaser driven sources of indistinguishable photons for quantum networks" (I-5061, together with Tobias Huber, University of Würzburg and Stephan Reizenstein, University of Berlin)