completed theses
PhD theses
Name | Year | Thema |
Kappe, Florian | 2024 |
he Generation of Non-Classical States of Light using Quantum Dots |
Thiel, Hannah | 2024 |
Time-Bin Entanglement from a Low-Loss Bragg-Reflection Waveguide |
Karli, Yusuf | 2024 |
Advanced Excitation Schemes for Quantum Dots |
Gstir, Sebastian | 2023 |
Waveguide Interferometers for Fundamental Investigations of Quantum Mechanics |
Czopak, Ulrich | 2023 |
Nonlinear Interactions of Confined Microcavity Polaritons |
Münzberg, Julian | 2023 |
Many-particle interference experiments with probabilistic and deterministic photon sources |
Schlager, Alexander | 2021 |
Towards a fully integrated source of photon pairs in Bragg-reflection waveguides |
Dittel, Christoph | 2019 |
About the interference of many particles |
Kauten, Thomas |
2017 | Optical Quantum Interferometry: Testing the foundations of quantum mechanics and creating three-photon entanglement |
Pressl, Benedikt |
2017 |
Achieving precision in characterization and design of quantum optics experiments |
Sassermann, Mathias | 2017 |
Quantum statistics of polariton parametric scattering |
Huber, Tobias | 2016 | Quantum dots as photon sources |
Jayakumar, Harishankar | 2013 | Coherent Creation of Photon Pairs and Generation of Time-Bin Entangled Photons from a Quantum Dot |
Günthner, Thomas | 2019 |
Classical and Nonclassical Optical Characterization of Bragg-Reflection Waveguides |
Mai, Patrick | 2016 | Polariton parametric scattering in planar microcavities |
MSc theses
Name | Datum | Thema |
Schwarz, Rene | 2024 |
Magneto-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Single Quantum Dots |
Schlosser, Michael | 2024 |
Investigation of spectral and spatial properties of four-photon spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources |
Weinreich, Michael | 2024 |
Boosting the Photon Collection Efficiency of GaAs Quantum Dots with Circular Bragg Gratings |
Kruska, Moritz | 2023 |
Characterization of Monolithically Integrated 2.5 GHz Mode-Locked Lasers |
Wachweger, Till | 2023 |
Optimising the Design and Fabrication of AIGaAs Bragg-Reflection Photon Sources |
Mark, Patrick | 2023 |
Detector nonlinearity characterisation Characterisation of a superconducting single-photon detector regarding nonlinearity |
Graschi, Tamara | 2023 |
Topographische Vermessung von Solarmodulen |
Matheis, Luis | 2023 |
A Franson interferometer for broadband frequency-entangled photon pairs |
Loitzl, Johannes | 2022 |
Transmision spectroscopy of polaritonic micropillars |
Nardi, Bianca | 2022 |
Characterisation of aluminium gallium arsenide waveguides for quantum rangefinding |
Draxl, Franz | 2022 |
Single-photon temporal-to-spatial mode conversion |
Unterlechner, Bernhard | 2021 |
Simulation of photonic components in AlGaAs Bragg reflection |
Götsch, Maximilian | 2020 |
Optical and Electrical Characterization of Active Bragg-Reflection Waveguides |
Rahim, Stefan | 2020 |
Indistinguishable Single Photons at Telecom Wavelength |
Außerlechner, Sandra | 2019 |
Verschränkte Photonenpaare im Schulunterricht |
Außerlechner, Sandra | 2019 |
Maximum Violation of Bell´s Inequality: A Sagnac Source of Polarisation-Entangled Photon Pairs |
Thiel, Hannah | 2019 |
Testing Optically and Electrically Pumped Bragg-Reflection Waveguides |
Beiser, Maximilian | 2018 |
Monolithic Frequency Combs in the Mid-Infrared Using Interband Cascade Lasers (TU Vienna) |
Kirchner, Lukas |
2018 |
Time-bin entangled photons from a quantum dot embedded in a nanowire |
Gstir, Sebastian | 2017 |
Testing Quantum Mechanics with a Three-Path Waveguide Interferometer |
Schlager, Alexander | 2017 |
Preparing adjustable polarization entangled photon pairs from a Bragg-reflection waveguide |
Auchter, Silke | 2017 |
Investigating the operating parameters and fluorescence of semiconductor Bragg-reflection waveguides |
Czopak, Ulrich | 2016 | Spectroscopy of Coupled Micropillars |
Sehner, Michael | 2016 |
Hong-Ou-Mandel effect between photons from a quantum dot and spontaneous parametric down conversion |
Prilmüller, Maximilian | 2016 |
Coherent control of semiconductor quantum dots |
Thöni, Nicole | 2015 |
UV-Photodetection with ZnO Nanowire Arrays and SnO2 Thin Films on Silicon Chips (MCL Leoben) |
Kaufmann, Thomas | 2015 |
Messung von Interferenz höherer Ordnung mit einem Drei-Pfad-Wellenleiter Interferometer |
Butschek, Lorenz | 2014 |
Hong-Ou-Mandel interference of two independent ppKTP based pulsed Sagnac sources |
Wörle, Judith | 2014 |
Multicolor Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Exciton-Polaritons |
Covi, Matthias | 2014 |
Realisierung und Charakterisierung eines freilaufenden Einzelphotonendetektors für Telekom- Wellenlängen |
Dittel, Christoph | 2014 |
Spin Manipulation of Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers in Diamond |
Einkemmer, Lukas | 2013 | Parametric scattering in microcavities |
Gschösser, Benjamin | 2012 | Testing Born's rule by searching for higher oder interference using a three path interferometer |
Pressl, Benedikt | 2012 | Computational Photonics: FDTD-Simulation Concepts for Nonlinear Optics of Integrated Semiconductor Devices and Fast Holography on the GPU |
Sassermann, Mathias | 2012 |
Spatial light modulator based spectroscopy of microcavity polaritons |
Kauten, Tomas | 2012 |
Towards time-bin entangled photons from quantum dots |
Grabher, Stephanie | 2012 |
Pulsed Sagnac Source of Polarisation - Entangled Photon Pairs |
Huber, Tobias | 2011 |
Measurement and Modification of Biexciton-Exciton Time Correlation from an InAs Quantum Dot |
Cristofolini, Peter | 2010 | Towards entangled photon pairs in a planar microcavitiy |
Söllner, Immo | 2010 |
Pulsed, Sagnac-interferometer-based source of polarization entangled photons |
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