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Paper submission |
Please submit your paper via ConfTool: https://www.conftool.com/dgf2021/.
The submission period ended on May 21, 2021 (midnight, CET).
The reviewers are reviewing the paper until July 23, 2021. We will notify authors regarding their acceptance or rejection until the end of July.
The organizing committee together with the management board of the DGF has decided to extend the submission deadline until May, 21st. Background to this decision is the fact that the Covid-pandemic makes planning still difficult, but that the next month may hopefully resolve part of the uncertainty.
Guidelines for submission
Only completed and unpublished papers are eligible for submission.
Submissions are only accepted through the online submission system (ConfTool).
Submissions are subject to a double-blind review process. Thus, papers have to be submitted in anonymous format (i.e. NO reference(s) to the author(s) or affiliation(s)). The first page of the submission should only contain the title, the abstract, and the JEL classification codes.
Only full papers in English are considered for review. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 120 words.
The text of the abstract has to be submitted separately within ConfTool (copy-paste).
Paper submission and conference participation are dealt with separately. Submitting a paper does not imply that you are registered as a participant. There is a separate registration for participation within ConfTool. Registration starts on June 01, 2021.
With your submission, you automatically agree to act as a reviewer for at least one manuscript submitted to the conference.
Please remember to click the "Complete Submission" button on the second screen to finalize your submission.
We plan to have a poster session as part of the conference. When submitting your work, please indicate whether you are willing to present your work in the poster session. This will not influence the likelihood of getting accepted for a regular session/presentation. A poster session provides a great opportunity to discuss your work intensively with others.
Do not submit papers for the doctoral seminar here. For more information concerning the doctoral seminar click here.
Guidelines for the presentations
further information will follow soon ...