Seminar Archive 2024 and 2025

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CMBI Seminar Series 2024 

    November 4, 2024

Karl Gademann, PhD
Department of Chemistry, University of Zurich, CH

More information about Dr. Gademann's work »

Titel: Microbiome Metabolites – Syntheses and Surprises

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Thomas Magauer


  October 21, 2024

Thomas Kietzmann, PhD
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland

More information about Dr. Kietzman's work »

Titel: The hypoxia response: Old features and new aspects

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Pidder Jansen-Dürr 

  October 25, 2024

Terrance Snutch, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

More information about Dr. Snutch's work »

Titel: Crossing the Valley of Death

When and Where: 12:15, M.EG.180
Host: Petronel Tuluc 

  October 28, 2024

Marcel Kwiatkowski, PhD
Department of Biochemistry, University of Innsbruck, A

More information about Dr. Kwiatkowski's work »

Titel: Functional Proteo-Metabo-Fluxomics - Bridging the Gap between Metabolism and the Proteome

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Ronald Micura

  November 4, 2024

Karl Gademann, PhD
Department of Chemistry, University of Zurich, CH

More information about Dr. Gademann's work »

Titel: Microbiome Metabolites – Syntheses and Surprises

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Thomas Magauer 


  May 13, 2024

Jens Wöhnert, PhD
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, D

More information about Dr. Wöhnert's work »

Titel: Structures of aptamers and riboswitches as windows into the conformational landscape of RNA

This seminar is a joint event of the CMBI and the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH)

When and Where: 15:00, L.EG.200
Host: Christoph Kreutz

  May 3, 2024

Hiroshi Abe, PhD
Department of Chemistry, Nagoya University, Japan

More information about Dr. Abe's work »

Titel: Chemistry-based design of functional mRNA for therapeutic applications

When and Where: 13:15, L.EG.220
Host: Ronald Micura

  May 3, 2024

Werngard Czechtizky, PhD
Head of Medicinal Chemistry, Respiratory & Immunology, AstraZeneca, Sweden

More information about Dr. Czechtizky's work »

Binder Lecture: New Synthetic Modalities - Oligonucleotides and Peptides for early target validation, receptor mediated targeting, and their use as therapeutics

When and Where: 16:00, M.EG.180
Host: Marcel Kwiatkowski

  April 8, 2024

Simone Moser, PhD
Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, University of Innsbruck, A

More information about Dr. Moser's work »

Titel: Vom Herbstlaub inspiriert: das Gewand der Pharmakognosie in bunten Farben

When and Where: 17:15, M.EG.180 (please note that the room has been changed!!!)
Host: Ronald Micura


  January 15, 2024

Ulrich Stelzl, PhD
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Graz, A

More information about Dr. Stelzl's work »

Titel: Protein interaction networks at amino acid resolution

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Eduard Stefan

  January 29, 2024

Valery Krizhanovsky, PhD
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

More information about Dr. Krizhanovsky's work »

Titel: Senescent cells in aging and age-related disease

When and Where: 17:15, L.EG.220
Host: Pidder Jansen-Dürr

CMBI Seminar Series 2025  


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