Election Event Series

"Making Sense of the US-American Presidency
Four Years Later"

organized by the Department of American Studies, University of Innsbruck

Election 2024


Four years later, we will likely see a rematch between the incumbent Joe Biden and Donald Trump for the White House in the 2024 presidential election. The Department of American Studies invites students, scholars, and guests to join our event series, which will include guest lectures, movie screenings, and an election night viewing party. This election event series wants to continue the conversation about US-American electoral and political processes that we started four years ago but also provide new insights as we follow along with the primaries, debates, and issues that will shape the presidential election on November 5, 2024.

Five (online) guest lectures will provide expert opinions and analyses of the 2024 election, the presidency, and the historical and political dimensions necessary to understand the overall political positions at play. Screenings of political films will complement the guest lectures. Our collaboration with the Leokino allows us to discuss US-American politics and its cinematic depictions.

We have invited guest speakers from Appalachian State University, California State University, Chico, Emerson College, Emory University, and the University of Notre Dame, who will offer their expertise during (online) guest lectures and/or post-screening discussions. 

We cordially invite you to join us online, at the University of Innsbruck, and at the Leokino! All events are open to the public. 

(Online) Guest Lectures

“Trump vs. Biden 2.0: American Democracy in Crisis”

Online lecture by Phillip Ardoin
Professor of Political Science, Department of Government and Justice Studies, Appalachian State University

Introduction by Cornelia Klecker

May 14, 2024, 3:30 pm

Join the event with this Zoom link.


“When Popularity Is Not Enough: The History of the Electoral College”

Online lecture by Robert Tinkler
Professor of American History and Chair of the History Department, California State University, Chico

Introduction by Cornelia Klecker

June 19, 2024, 6:00 pm

Join the event with this Zoom link.


“Democracy for the Highest Bidder: American Elections after the 2010 Citizen United Supreme Court's Decision”

Online lecture by Mary Ann Taylor
Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, Emerson College

Introduction by Cornelia Klecker

October 29, 2024, 3:30 pm

Join the event with this Zoom link.


“Not Just Another Election: What's Ahead for America”

Lecture by Robert Schmuhl
Professor Emeritus of American Studies, Department of American Studies, University of Notre Dame

This guest lecture is followed by a small reception. No registration required.

November 13, 2024, 7 pm, Hörsaal 5 ¾ (Innrain 52e)


“Understanding the 2024 US Presidential Election through the Lens of Gender and Race”

Lecture by Andra Gillespie
Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, Emory University

This guest lecture is followed by a small reception. No registration required.

December 10, 2024, 6 pm, Hörsaal 5 ¾ (Innrain 52e)

Election Night Viewing Party & Pub Quiz

November 5, 2024, Seminar Rooms 4U102 a + b (Geiwi-Turm)

Co-organized by the student representatives of English and American Studies / Teacher Training Program Subject English.

Let's spend election night together! Even though we won't find out about results, we invite you to join us for an evening all about the US election. We'll watch some US news, have colleagues from the US zoom in to share their thoughts, and simply chat with each other. Snacks and drinks will be provided. 

Cornelia Klecker and (via Zoom) Robert Tinkler (Professor of American History and Chair of the History Depart­ment, California State University, Chico) will co-host a topical pub quiz

Registration required. Further details will follow.

Film Screenings at the Leokino

Selma (Ava DuVernay, 2014)

Introduction by Cornelia Klecker and Sandra Tausel

May 7, 2024, 6 pm, Leokino 2

Vice (Adam McKay, 2018)

Introduction by Christian Quendler

June 12, 2024, 6 pm, Leokino 2

Civil War (Alex Garland, 2024)

Introduction by Cornelia Klecker and Philipp Leonhardt

October 23, 2024, 6 pm, Leokino 2


Details for the film screenings on November 11 and December 11 will be announced.


This event series is organized by Cornelia Klecker and Sandra Tausel with the Department of American Studies in collaboration with the Leokino Innsbruck.


This event series is generously funded by the US Embassy Vienna, the Office of the Vice Rector for Research, and ZIAS (Center for Inter-American Studies) both at the University of Innsbruck.

US.Embassy.Logo       Logo: VR Forschung (englisch)    ZIAS-Logo



Department of American Studies
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 (0)512 507 4171 (Secretary’s Office)

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