Matthias Jan-Karl Weber, MSc
Room: O 3.11
Tel.: +43 (512) 507 - 73245
Fax: +43 (512) 507 - 73399
Curriculum vitae:
Matthias Weber, born in Konstanz in 1993, first completed a bachelor's degree in business administration with a focus on tourism, hotel industry and gastronomy at the DHBW Ravensburg (DE) and then earned his master's degree at the University of Augsburg in information-oriented business administration with a major in strategy, information, and corporate governance.
After completing his master's degree, he worked as a consultant in the field of data analytics at Dentsu, one of the world's leading agency groups for communications consulting, and managed various client projects.
Currently, he is a research assistant within the ReACt project and a PhD student at the Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management. His research focuses on algorithmic management and technology-mediated control of workers in the gig economy.
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