Master's Theses


  1. Topic assignment
    Students can choose from the available topics or propose a similar topic.
    Currently available topics: OpenOlat.
    Request by email to the supervisor.
  2. Proposal
    Write and submit a thesis proposal (5-10 pages) to the supervisor (incl. motivation, research question, main literature, research method, expected results, and outline).
  1. Application for the thesis
    Prerequisite: all modules of the Master's programme completed and a thesis proposal that the supervisor agreed upon (see point 2).
    • Form " Assessment of the compulsory module: Conception of the master thesis" (available here).
    • Form "Application for the Master Thesis " (available here).
    • Enrollment for the Master AG (participation in at least two sessions, in addition to the session with your own presentation).
  1. Writing of the thesis
    • Length of the thesis: at least 50 pages of content
    • Format recommendations: Word format template | Latex format template.
    • Plagiarism check: Before submission, students can request an upload code for a plagiarism check of their thesis from their supervisor.
  1. Submission of the thesis
    • Submit the digital version of your thesis to the examination office following the process detailed here.
    • Submit the digital version (e.g. Word, PDF, Latex) by e-mail to the supervisor and the Department’s office (
  1. Presentation in the “Master AG”
    Agree on a date for the presentation with your supervisor (the main results of the thesis should be available at the time of the presentation). Registration via email to the Department’s office (carbon copy (cc) to the supervisor).
  1. Assessment
    For the completion of the Master's programme in the 4th semester: The timeline for the submission of the thesis and the public defense has to be coordinated with the supervisor in such a way that the assessment of the thesis can be completed by the end of October.
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